Reports and Publications
CDC currently has six surveillance systems for obtaining information about Salmonella. They serve different purposes and provide information on various features of the organism’s epidemiology, such as number of outbreaks, antimicrobial-resistant infections, and subtypes.
Salmonella Atlas
CDC has posted a 248 page Salmonella Atlas 1968-2011. The first-of-its-kind report chronicles over 40 years of laboratory-confirmed surveillance data on 32 Salmonella serotypes and includes analyses by age, sex, season, and geography, down to the county level. Learn more about the Salmonella Atlas.
MMWR Articles
The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) series is often called “the voice of CDC.” The MMWR series is the agency’s primary vehicle for scientific publication of timely, reliable, authoritative, accurate, objective, and useful public health information and recommendations.
Communications Materials
CDC provides select communication materials that support general prevention efforts aimed at reducing Salmonella infections: CDC Salmonella Communication Materials.