
Appendix E: Worksheet for capacity development

Appendix E: Worksheet for capacity development.
Examples of potential partners Surveillance Referral Prevention Examples of potential roles
Ministries of health X X X Set policies and regulations for health-care services and delivery
Hospitals and, if applicable, hospital associations and clinics X X Serve as data sources; referral sources
Regional and local health departments X X X Serve as data sources; conduits to audiences for referral and prevention activities
Primary health centres and health-care providers X X X Serve as data sources and also as sources for prevention and outreach activities
Community health workers/ community health volunteers X X X Serve as potential data sources because, in many countries, these individuals are present at the delivery; provide prevention information
Congenital anomalies associations, foundations, and other nongovernmental organizations X X Provide advocacy for congenital anomalies infrastructure at national and local levels; serve as dissemination channels for prevention activities and messages; potential sources for outcome data; serve as possible data sources
International organizations X X X Provide advocacy, technical assistance and expertise
Medical schools/research agencies X Provide specialized laboratory services, such as chromosome analyses, or have clinics where individuals with congenital anomalies are seen; can help drive surveillance of congenital anomalies

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