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What We Do


CDC and the Government of China (GoC) partnered in 2002 with the goal of controlling the spread of HIV, especially in high-risk populations. CDC works with the National Center for AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Disease Control and Prevention (NCAIDS), the National Center for Maternal and Child Health within the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC), and five provincial CCDCs to develop innovative strategies to prevent HIV transmission, support care and treatment, prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programs, conduct high-quality behavioral and case surveillance, and build laboratory capacity for HIV antibody testing, diagnosis of acute HIV, and quality control.


CDC has provided technical assistance to China’s TB control program and expanded to support program activities that focus on improved management and control of drug-resistant TB.

Discover more about CDC’s work in China by viewing our detailed country profile.

More Information

More information about TB in China is available at WHO’s TB Country Profiles.

More information about CDC’s global health work in China is available online at CDC in China.