Myanmar (Burma)

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What We Do

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) office was formally established at the U.S. Embassy in Yangon, Burma in January 2015. CDC supports Burma’s focused approach to achieving its 90-90-90 targets by 2030: 90% of people with HIV diagnosed, 90% of them on antiretroviral treatment, and 90% of them virally suppressed by 2030. Through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), CDC supports the National AIDS Program to develop strategies and operational guidelines for HIV/AIDS care and treatment and strengthens surveillance and laboratory systems working in partnership with the National Health Laboratory. CDC supports the National Health Laboratory to obtain diagnostic reagents and build capacity to detect infections of global concern, and supports activities to improve quality and biosafety in laboratories.

Discover more about CDC’s work in Burma by viewing our detailed country profilepdf icon.

More Information

More information and data regarding TB in Myanmar (Burma) is available online at WHO’s TB Country Profilesexternal icon.

Page last reviewed: July 20, 2016