Data Presentation

Example bar-line combo chart

Bar charts are used to show a comparison among different items, or they can show a comparison of items over time.

Example pie chart

A pie chart is used to show the numerical breakdown or proportion between multiple data sets in a circle chart.

Example line chart

Line charts are used to reveal trends or progress over time. They can show multiple categories of data at a time.

Example line chart

An epi chart (epi curve) is a visual display of the onset of illness among cases associated with an outbreak.

Example bar-line combo chart

Bar charts are used to show a comparison among different items, or they can show a comparison of items over time.

Example pie chart

A pie chart is used to show the numerical breakdown or proportion between multiple data sets in a circle chart.

Example line chart

Line charts are used to reveal trends or progress over time. They can show multiple categories of data at a time.

Example line chart

An epi chart (epi curve) is a visual display of the onset of illness among cases associated with an outbreak.