Site Index
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Chronic Disease Map Gallery
- Alaska Poverty and Education Measures by Public Health Regions
- Stomach Cancer Incidence Rates by Race and Public Health Region, AK
- Counties with Highest Levels of Blood Pressure Medication Non-Adherence and Poverty Have Limited Access to Federally Qualified Health Care Centers
- WISEWOMAN Eligibility Criteria by Census Tract in Montgomery County, Alabama
- Hypertension and RASA Nonadherence in Arkansas
- Prevalence of Nonadherence and 5-Mile Driving Distances from Arkansas's Hypertension Team-Based Care and Pharmacy Intervention Sites
- Arkansas EMS Agency Personnel Types
- Age-Adjusted Heart Disease Mortality Rates among Adults in Arkansas
- Asthma Emergency Department Visit Rates Minnesota
- High Blood Pressure Indicators: Medication Usage, Mortality, Hospitalization, and Medication Adherence in Central Valley, California
- Tobacco Use and Access in Areas with High Rates of Families Living in Poverty, City of Stockton, California
- Exploring the Spatial Variation in Bus Arrivals in Modesto, California and the Relationship to Select Socio-demographic Variables
- Tobacco Retail Exposure, Smoking Rates and Poverty in Modesto, CA
- Smoking Prevalence and Tobacco Retailer Density Near Schools in Modesto, CA
- Major Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Rates Colorado
- Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rates by State
- Complete Streets Policy Initiatives Michigan
- Spatial Concentrations and Outliers of Poverty United States
- Connecticut Putting On AIRS Asthma Intervention: Serving Towns with the Highest Asthma Burden
- Prevalence of Dental Sealants, Connecticut 2016-2018
- Pharmacies within One Mile of Connecticut's Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), by Town, April 2020
- Participant Geographic Access and Store Capacity Analyses: Vendor A, East Hartford, Connecticut, May 2020
- Diabetes Hospitalization Rates by Race and Ethnicity in Massachusetts
- Estimates of the Percentage of Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes
- Travel Time to Accredited Stroke Centers in East Tennessee Appalachian Region
- Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Centers, Intensive Care Units, and Heart Disease Death Rates, by County, Florida
- Hypertension Control among Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Hypertension Death Rates by County, Florida
- Florida's Social Determinants of Health and Heart Disease Age-Adjusted Death Rates
- Pharmacies as Potential Candidates for National Diabetes Prevention Program Sites in Georgia Counties with High Diabetes Prevalence
- Counties with Highest Burden of Diabetes Lack Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Program Sites, Georgia
- Michigan Hospitalization Rates for Coronary Heart Disease by County
- Diabetes Hospitalizations and Access to Farmer's Markets, Georgia
- Michigan Deaths for Cardiovascular Disease by County
- Michigan Mortality Rates for Heart Disease by County
- Michigan Marquette and Menominee Health Departments Social Determinants of Health
- Michigan Shaping Positive Lifestyles and Attitudes through School Health (SPLASH) Sites
- Service Areas for Mammography Clinics via Public Transportation, Georgia Counties
- Prevalence of Obesity by County and Age-Adjusted Diabetes Hospital Discharge Rate by County in Georgia
- Rural Health Clinic Locations and Stroke Mortality by County, among Non-Hispanic Blacks (Ages 35+) in Georgia
- Spatial Variations in Health Insurance Coverage for Lower Income Population in Georgia
- Diabetes Hospitalizations and Access to Health Care Services in Georgia
- Cardiovascular Disease and Related Conditions, Adults in Hennepin County, Minnesota
- Age-adjusted Heart Disease Death Rates, Hennepin, Minnesota
- Heart Disease Deaths Kernel Density, Hennepin County, Minnesota
- Lifestyle and Risk Behavior, Adults in Hennepin County, Minnesota
- Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Rates and 45-minute Drive Times to Stroke Center Hospitals in Hawaii
- Locations of Chronic Disease Prevention Programs in Communities Served by Federally Qualified Health Centers in Hawaii
- Baseline Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates by Community for the Hawaii Cancer Program's 2016–2020 Strategic Plan
- High Blood Pressure among Hawaii's Priority Populations and Choose Healthy Now Locations
- High Blood Pressure Medication Non-Adherence and Pharmacies, by ZIP Code Tabulation Area, 2015–2017 Idaho Medicaid Patients
- Information Gain Via Geographic Aggregation: Prevalence of High Blood Pressure Medication Non-adherence Among Medicaid Patients in Idaho
- Percent Out-of-Hospital Heart Disease Deaths by County, 2006-2010
- PCI Capability in Idaho
- Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates and Federally Qualified Health Centers, Illinois
- Prevalence of Hypertension and Drive Time to CDC-Recognized Lifestyle Change Programs, Kansas
- Looking for Gaps: Adult Hypertension Burden and Certified Stroke Care Facilities, Kansas
- Smoking Prevalence among Adults and Tobacco Quitline Utilization by County, Kansas 2017
- Where are the 2016 Food Deserts in Lawrence, KS?
- Children in Kentucky: Analyzing Indicators for Improved Health
- Colon Cancer in Kentucky
- Outpatient Ambulatory Service Rates for Hypertension in Kentucky
- Michigan Years of Potential Life Lost from Stroke
- Michigan Unemployment Rates by County
- Michigan Upper Peninsula Hospitals and Local Health Departments
- Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence and Proximity to Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Services, Aged 65+
- Minnesota Community Wellness Grant: Targeting Interventions to High Need Populations
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Stroke Transports to Hospital Destination
- High Poverty and High Heart Disease and Stroke Mortality Rates Under Age 75
- Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP): 2017 Partner Sites
- Minnesota Heart Disease Mortality Age Adjusted Rates by County
- Minnesota President's Network Worksite Health Initiative Reach and Impact
- Heart Disease Death Rates by Parish and Geographic Access to Population Health Cohort sites, Louisiana
- Vulnerable Areas Along Louisiana's Mississippi Delta Lack Geographic Access to Rural Health Clinics (RHC)
- Comprehensive Smoke-Free Air Laws for Parishes and Cities in Louisiana, 2020
- Distribution of Organizations with a Wellspot Designation by Deprivation Index in Region 1 in Louisiana
- Substance Abuse Prevention and Control SAPC Treatment Providers Los Angeles
- Massachusetts Stroke Death Rates
- Minnesota Drive Times to Primary Stroke Centers
- Minnesota Stroke Registry Hospital Service Areas and Population Distribution
- Washington County, MN LANA Trained Nutrition Sites for Targeted Populations
- Washington County, MN Nutrition Resources
- Washington County, MN Physical Activity Resources
- COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate, Hypertension, and Availability of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Mississippi
- Maryland Employees Reached through Participation in Healthiest Maryland Businesses (HMB)
- Heart Disease Mortality by Maryland Census Tract, 2011–2015
- Using the NSES to Identify High Deprivation in Maryland
- Percent of Eligible Women that were Screened for Breast and Cervical Cancer by Jurisdiction in Maryland
- Pharmacy Locations, Medication Adherence Project Pharmacies, and County-Level Rates of Blood Pressure Medication Adherence (RASA) in Maine
- Chronic Disease Rates by Public Health District in Maine
- Maine Towns with Tobacco-Free Recreation Areas
- Medicaid Members and High Blood Pressure (HBP) Medication Adherence Rates
- Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Lack of Health Insurance by County, Mississippi, 2018
- High Blood Pressure (HBP) Medication Adherence Rates and Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) Members Trained in Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
- Relative Differences in High Blood Pressure (HBP) Medication Adherence Among Medicaid Members in Michigan
- High Blood Pressure and Medication Adherence Among Medicaid Members and YMCA Lifestyle Change Programs
- Antihypertensive Nonadherence and Drive Time to FQHC Pharmacies
- Antihypertensive Medication Nonadherence and Hypertension Prevalence with Team Up. Pressure Down. Pharmacy Locations, by County
- Montana Travel For Surgical Breast Cancer Treatment
- Prevalence of Hypertension Among Adults 18 Years and Older and Primary Care Facilities Participating in Quality Improvement, by Chronic Disease Regions, Montana, 2013-2017
- Montana Stroke Mortality Rates by County
- Drive Times to Telestroke Sites, Montana
- Nebraska Heart Disease Mortality over Time
- Heart Disease Age-Adjusted Mortality Rates for Nevada Residents
- Percentage of Women Not Screened for Breast Cancer and Proportion of Uninsured Women Not Served by the Cancer Services Program by County, 2013–2014
- Prediabetes Prevalence by County, and Location of Local IMPACT Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Sites, New York State
- Trends in Lung Cancer Mortality by County, New York State 1994–2013
- Lung Cancer Mortality by County, for Men and Women
- Stroke Death Rates by County and Year, New York State
- Pre-Transport Stroke Death Rates by EMS Region and Location of Stroke Designated Hospitals, New York State
- County-level Variation in Renin-Angiotensin System Antagonist (RASA) Nonadherence Among New York
- Adults with Prediabetes by County and Local IMPACT DPP Sites
- Using County-level Variation in Renin-Angiotensin System Antagonist (RASA) Nonadherence Among New York State Medicaid Members to Inform Program Planning
- Examining Geographic Patterns for Heart Disease Death Rates, Smoking Rates, And Businesses Exempted from the Clean Indoor Act in Pennsylvania, 2015-2017
- Evaluating the Reach of Health Systems Participating in a CDC Funded Grant (1815) for Greater Philadelphia
- The Pennsylvania Languages Map: A Proactive Approach to Health Equity Print
- WalkWorks Walking Routes and Active Transportation Plans in Priority Counties Print
- Percent of Population Adherent to Blood Pressure Medication and Location of Practices with Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPAs), Rhode Island, 2018-2019
- Breast Cancer Screening Rates by Payer, ZIP Code Tabulation Areas, Rhode Island, 2017
- Comparing Social Correlates of Health by Census Tract, Rhode Island, 2017
- Proximity of Tobacco Retailers to Schools, 2019
- South Dakota Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence and Select Socioeconomic Status Variables
- Percent of South Dakota Women Eligible for All Women Count! Program
- Geographic Analysis of Drive Time to Certified Stroke Centers in the Tri-State Stroke Network Region (South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia)
- States with Laws on Competitive Foods in Schools
- Anemia among Children on Women, Infants, and Children, Shelby County, Tennessee
- Diseases of the Heart Mortality Rate by U.S. Congressional District, Tennessee
- Diseases of the Heart Mortality Rate by Senate District, Tennessee
- Local Health Department, FQHC and Safety Net Primary Care Sites, Tennessee
- Prevalence of Diabetes and Diabetes Prevention Program Sites, by County, Texas
- Examining Hospital Discharge Rates for Heart Disease in Counties with Low Geographic Accessibility to Hospitals
- Opportunities for Partnering and Education: Texas Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and the Texas Tobacco Quitline
- Stroke Mortality Rates and Population Distribution, Non-Hispanic Whites, by County, Texas
- Food Deserts in Texas
- US Female Breast Cancer Incidence Rates by State
- US Obesity Prevalence 2006
- US Prostate Cancer Incidence Rates by State
- US Stroke Death Rates 2000-2006, by County
- Utah Small Areas with High Health Disparities Consistently Demonstrate the Highest COVID-19 Case Rates
- Evaluation of Geographic Access to CPESN Pharmacies in Utah Local Health Districts with the Heaviest Burden of Diabetes and Hypertension
- Examining Hypertension Death Rates by County, Utah, 2014-2016
- Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes and Availability of High-Speed Internet by Health Service Area
- Drive Times to Community Pharmacies and Blood Pressure Medication Adherence Among Adults 18 and Older, by Vermont Town, 2014–2016
- Vermont Resident Drive Times to Mid-Full Service Grocery Stores and High Poverty Towns
- Access to Stroke Center Hospitals in Washington State
- Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence Among Wisconsin Medicaid Members by County, 2014-2016
- Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence Among Medicaid Members (2014-2016) and Pharmacy Locations in Milwaukee County
- National Diabetes Prevention Program Coverage in West Virginia
- West Virginia Primary Care Provider Shortages, Certified Clinic Locations, and Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence
- Submit Your Map to the Chronic Disease Map Gallery
- One-way 180-Minute Drive Time to Mechanical Thrombectomy in Montana
- Hospital Discharge Rates for Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) Scores by County, Texas 2021
- Identifying High-Risk Cardiovascular Health Counties in Pennsylvania through a Socioeconomic Vulnerability Lens
- Counties with the Highest Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and Smoking New York State Adults, 2020
- About 95.8% of Marylanders live within a 30-minute drive to a designated stroke center in Maryland
- Improved Geographic Access to Acute Stroke Care in Rural Minnesota: 30-and 60-minute Drive Times to Stroke Designated Hospitals
- Identifying the Convergence of Burden: Chronic Conditions and Housing Costs, 2016-2020 in Mississippi
- Mapping the Burden of Chronic Diseases in Mississippians, by county, 2018-2020
- Healthcare Resources in North Carolina Counties with Higher Diabetes Complications
- Mecklenburg County North Carolina Targets High Need Census Tracts Through the Healthy Food Retail Designation Program
- Comparing Patterns of County-level Prevalence for Diabetes and Obesity in Texas
- Proximity of Schools to Tobacco Retailers in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2028 Texas Tobacco Prevention and Control Coalitions
- Evaluating Geographic Accessibility to Certified Stroke Centers or Stroke Receiving Hospitals Among Adult Utahns Ages 65 and Older
- Washington State Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Clinic Proximity Map
- Proximity of Tobacco Retailers to Schools in Fiscal Year 2024-2028 Texas Tobacco Prevention and Control Coalitions
- Tobacco Environment by Census Tract in Wyandotte County and Johnson County, Kansas