Policies | Alcohol and Substance Misuse Evaluation Interventions

Health-related policies for alcohol and substance misuse8-9

Workplace policies promote a corporate “culture of good health.”

Alcohol- and drug-free workplace policies discourage substance misuse

  • Key principles to develop a well-defined alcohol- and drug-free workplace policy include:
    • Drug free policies are publicized and employees are clear that substance misuse is never permitted in the workplace
    • Workplace heath promotion programs include education on substance misuse
    • EAP services include assessment, counseling, and referral for employees regarding substance misuse

In high performance job settings, workplace policies require alcohol and drug testing  

  • As part of workplaces’ “rules of conduct” or “fitness for duty” regulations, supervisors are often empowered to discipline or remove an employee from the job on the suspicion of drinking. In these settings the protocol for testing and follow up should be well defined and clear to all employees
  • For example, alcohol testing is mandated for the transportation industry through Federal regulations. Alcohol testing is most commonly used in other workplace settings when cause is established, particularly in response to on-the-job accidents. In such cases, alcohol testing is critical in establishing possible culpability, especially if injuries have occurred. When alcohol tests are positive, case dispositions may vary according to company policy, ranging from dismissal to the offering of counseling or treatment under the auspices of an EAP

Policies for worksite health promotion such as physical activity or nutrition programs can reduce alcohol and drug misuse

  • See health-related polices for obesity, high  blood pressure, tobacco use, physical activity, and nutrition