
2018 DPDx Case Studies

DPDx Case Studies - 2018

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December 2018
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A 22-year-old male noticed painless, ulcerating lesions with crusting and mild swelling on his back and face.

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A 48-year-old male immigrant from the Middle East underwent a stool examination for ova and parasites (O&P) as part of a refugee screening program.

November 2018
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A 29-year-old female with a nodule on her left back was examined at a university hospital in Belgium.

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A man from New England returned from a trip to Africa with fever, chills, sweats, and fatigue. He sought medical attention from his health care provider.

October 2018

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A 58-year-old male, with recent travel to Asia, was seen at an out-patient clinic for abdominal discomfort that lasted for two days.

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A 4-year-old boy returned from a summer vacation in Tanzania with his parents with symptoms of fever and chills.

September 2018

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An ova-and-parasite screening was performed on a group of school-age children, which included both formalin and zinc polyvinyl alcohol (Zn-PVA) preserved stool specimens.

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A 27 year-old female sought emergency medical attention due to a foreign object in her eye. Medical personnel removed the object, captured images and submitted to the DPDx Team for diagnostic assistance.

August 2018

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A 67-year-old female presented with a 2-3 day history of lower back pain. She also reported a burning sensation all over her body. Also included in the patient’s history is emphysema of the lungs, history of smoking, pancreatitis, and cholelithiasis.

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A 27 year-old male presented to his health care provider, after a 10-day work related trip to Ethiopia, with lymphadenopathy of the head and neck, intermittent fevers, and malaise. Thick and thin blood smears were ordered, stained with Giemsa, and examined.

July 2018

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A 79 year-old man was diagnosed with encephalitis at a local hospital in Arizona. A Computed Tomography (CT) scan showed multiple brain lesions. A biopsy specimen from the occipital lobe was collected and sent to Pathology for routine histological workup.

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A 22 year old man diagnosed with gastroenteritis underwent subsequent gastrointestinal endoscopic examination. The gastroenterologist observed a worm which he extracted from the duodenum and sent to the laboratory for identification.

June 2018

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An elderly female sought medical attention for fever, nausea, abdominal pain and generalized weakness. She had no travel outside of the eastern United States.

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A 51 year-old immigrant man from Honduras was prescribed steroids at a health care facility for asthma exacerbation. After feeling better, he continued to self-medicate with injectable steroids every three months obtained via mail order from Honduras for approximately one year.

May 2018

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A 19-year-old female from Northern Manitoba, with no travel history outside of Canada and a significant history of hunting wild animals and exposure to wild canines, recently presented to a local hospital for right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain.

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The object shown was found in a stool specimen collected in SAF (sodium acetate-acetic acid- formalin) from a 43-year-old woman born and raised in Manitoba, Canada with no recent travel reported.

April 2018

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A 74-year-old man, with a prior history of urothelial carcinoma, high grade pT1 (invasive, into lamina propria), was seen at a medical facility for follow-up care.

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A 6-year-old girl, who originally lived in Japan but now resides in the United States, was seen by a health care provider for abdominal pain and diarrhea.

March 2018

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A 55 year old man from Tasmania, Australia presents with progressive general muscle weakness and myositis with 27 lb weight loss and loss of muscle mass for over two years.

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A 45-year-old man from Paraguay went on a safari in eastern Zambia. He reported multiple insect bites at one location and noticed that some bites had developed into sores while still in country.

February 2018

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A 12 year-old boy, with symptoms of fever and chills after returning from a one month trip to an undisclosed West African country, was taken to a clinic for evaluation.

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A 17 year-old male patient presented with cellulitis and a mass in the eye over a 3 month period. It was situated at the limbus near the lateral rectus muscle.

January 2018

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A visitor to Hawaii experienced onset of moderate irritation of one eye accompanied by redness and the sensation of a foreign body.

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A 39 year-old man from Nigeria returned from visiting his country of birth with fever. A medical evaluation confirmed the fever and also detected low hemoglobin.

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Page last reviewed: June 17, 2022