Staff Involvement
Staff involvement means school staff and out-of-school time program leaders are physically active with students, provide opportunities for students to be active, and engage in activities in the school that support physical activity.1–3 School staff can be positive role models for students by being physically active in and out of school.1–3 Staff members can support recess, clubs, intramural programs, and other physical activity offerings.2,3 School staff also can be involved in school employee wellness programs, which help improve staff health and increase physical activity levels.1,3
Staff involvement in physical activity benefits students by encouraging students to be physically active before, during, and after the school day.
Involve School Staff in Promoting Physical Activity [PDF – 324 KB]—This data brief defines staff involvement in physical activity, provides a snapshot of current staff involvement practices to support physical activity in the United States, and highlights ways to improve staff involvement in physical activity through national guidance and practical strategies and resources.