DP-23-0011: CDC’s National Asian Language Tobacco Quitline

Important Dates

Applications are due on Monday, January 8, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time.

Anticipated Start Date

April 29, 2024

The CDC Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) announces the availability of funds to implement DP-23-0011, National Asian Language Tobacco Quitline. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will award one applicant to operate and promote a linguistically and culturally appropriate nationwide quitline service for individuals who use commercial tobacco products and predominantly speak Chinese (including Cantonese and Mandarin), Korean, and Vietnamese (CKV) languages. NOFO strategies include improving quitline infrastructure to ensure efficiency and capacity, enhancing quitline sustainability, leveraging partnerships and expanding reach and range of available quit support services through the quitline, conducting strategic efforts to increase use of available quit support services through the quitline, and conducting surveillance and evaluation activities for quitline services.


This award will be a continuation of funds intended only for recipients previously awarded under CDC-RFA-DP-23-0011.

Previous Frequently Asked Questions

A letter of intent is not requested or required as part of the application for this NOFO.

CDC will work with the recipient on operationalizing and further defining each performance measure, and guidance will be provided prior to the first year of reporting.

Applicants are expected to address all of the strategies and activities included in the NOFO. Any other proposed strategies and activities must be in alignment with the NOFO logic model and should have appropriate performance measures.

Yes, resumes are required for a quitline manager, a medical director, and any other adequate supervisory and program staff with sufficient work capacity and competence to ensure successful, sustained delivery of evidence-based, effective, efficient, and linguistically and culturally competent quitline services.