Educational Campagins Version 2

The places where we live, work, learn, and play can impact our health. To help share this important message with African American and Hispanic audiences, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a broad range of materials for print, digital, and radio placement with an “Our Community Deserves” theme.

Our children deserve more ways to be active
Print Ads (English & Spanish)

Online banner ads and rotating banner ads to use on your web site or social media outlets.

Our community deserves better food options
Online Banner Ads (English & Spanish)

Print ads to use in your publications available in English and Spanish.

Radio Spots (English & Spanish)

30 Second stories of women who have made healthy improvements in their local communities. These are available in English and Spanish.

Pre-written Articles​​​​​​​ (English & Spanish)

Formatted, camera-ready articles that can be offered to print and online media outlets or used in your own publication or on your web site.