Seasonal Influenza (Flu)

CDC has published the 2014-2015 recommendations for the prevention and control of influenza. CDC recommends an annual flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older. Flu activity is low across the United States now, but usually begins to increase in October and most commonly peaks between January and March. Make plans to get your flu vaccine this fall.

Information for Specific Groups
MODULE info hcp

Health Professionals

Health Professionals

Vaccination, Antiviral Drugs, Infection Control, Diagnostic Testing, Patient Education, and Training…


MODULE info partners

Flu Partners


Campaign Highlights, Partner Activity, Media Briefings, Promotional and Educational Tools…


 Stickers: for Patients

National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), Print Materials, Flu Prevention Toolkit, Mobile Content, Web Tools, Audio/Video, Virus Images…

Latest Material

“Take 3” Actions To Fight The Flu Poster – Print [158 KB, 11” x 17”]