Jewish Healthcare Center, Massachusetts
With consistently high patient and resident flu vaccination rates, between 96% and 100%, the Jewish Healthcare Center, Worcester, Massachusetts focused on improving employee flu vaccination rates during the 2013-2014 season to comply with new patient safety standards as required by Joint Commission of Accreditation of Hospitals, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and Accountable Care Organizations. Within just the first two months, from October to December, JHC more than doubled their prior season’s rates, with 82.5% of staff being vaccinated against the flu!

Several steps were taken to encourage staff to receive the flu vaccination. While not making it mandatory, incentives such as gift certificates, restaurant certificates, a day off with pay, and a night out on the town for two were offered. We hosted flu clinics for employees on all shifts, including vaccinating the night shift at the time clock, and going from department to department offering flu vaccination. Print materials were posted in the work place, and vaccination stickers placed on employees’ ID badges served as a visual recognition of their vaccination status. Employees that had not received a flu vaccination as of December were required to wear a mask when within six feet of any patient or resident or in the area of patient or resident care.
This success was a collaborative effort with the organization’s Medical Director, Nursing, Quality Assurance, Human Resources, Employee Health, Infection Control, and Administration. A monthly meeting was held and updated information provided for all department heads.
To learn more, please contact Carmen Capriole, M.S., R.N., Director of Health and Education at or 508-798-8653.
Submit Your Success Story!
Submit the following information to to have your success story featured here!
- Write a 250 word (maximum) description of your success story including name of organization, any collaborating organizations, when the event took place (either last flu season or this flu season only), and any evaluation taken from the activity.
- Include a minimum of (1-2) pictures of the event. Acceptable file formats include JPG, GIF, and PNG. Preferred size at least 500 by 300 pixels (or larger).
- Include contact information in case CDC follow up is needed. Please let us know if we can share your contact information within your success story in case other organizations would like to partner with you for future events.
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