National Vital Statistics System

Health Conditions

Fifteen percent of the decedents were reported to suffer from some type of memory impairment, and 13 percent reported other mental, nervous, or emotional problems. Almost one-third (32 percent) of the decedents were reported to suffer from some form of arthritis

Number and percent of decedents reported to have had selected health conditions during their lifetime: United States, 1993

Health condition Number Percent1 Standard error of percent 95 percent confidence interval
(+/- percent)
Hypertension 949,000 42.8 0.9862 1.9
Heart attack 593,000 26.8 0.8647 1.7
Angina pectoris 559,000 25.2 0.8816 1.7
Stroke 444,000 20.0 0.8111 1.6
Alzheimer’s disease 117,000 5.3 0.4756 0.9
Other memory impairment 219,000 9.9 0.6142 1.2
Other mental, nervous, or emotional problems 287,000 13.0 0.6700 1.3
Diabetes 411,000 18.6 0.8009 1.6
Cancer, except skin 712,000 32.1 0.6594 1.3
Asthma 139,000 6.3 0.4481 0.9
Other lung condition 369,000 16.7 0.7134 1.4
Cirrhosis of the liver 86,000 3.9 0.3545 0.7
Arthritis 719,000 32.4 0.9338 1.8

1 Percents based on 2,215,000 decedents.

NOTES: Excludes deaths to persons under 15 years of age and those deaths occurring in South Dakota.

Standard errors are estimated using the statistical software package SUDAAN.

SOURCE: NCHS, National Mortality Followback Survey — provisional data, 1993.

About one-half of the decedents were reported to have had a functional limitation due to physical or mental conditions during their last year of life. Responses ranged from a high of 59 percent for walking a quarter of a mile, to a low of 24 percent for using the telephone.

Number and percent of decedents reported to have had select functional limitations in the last year of life as a result of physical or mental conditions: United States, 1993

Functional limitation Number Percent1 Standard error of percent 95 percent confidence interval
(+/- percent)
Lifting/carrying 10 lbs. 1,213,000 54.7 0.9784 1.9
Climbing a flight of stairs w/o rest 1,243,000 56.1 0.9750 1.9
Walking a quarter of a mile 1,310,000 59.1 0.9568 1.9
Heavy housework 1,109,000 50.0 0.9763 1.9
Shopping for personal items 1,021,000 46.1 0.9785 1.9
Going outside the home alone 1,116,000 50.4 0.9819 1.9
Light housework 920,000 41.5 0.9735 1.9
Preparing meals 822,000 37.1 0.9451 1.9
Managing money 711,000 32.1 0.9329 1.8
Using the telephone 525,000 23.7 0.8646 1.7
Getting around inside the home 857,000 38.7 0.9727 1.9
Walking 1,202,000 54.3 0.9727 1.9
Getting in and out of bed or chairs 1,041,000 47.0 0.9775 1.9
Eating 753,000 34.0 0.9253 1.8
Using the toilet 963,000 43.5 0.9747 1.9
Bathing or showering 1,148,000 51.8 0.9682 1.9
Dressing 1,005,000 45.4 0.9801 1.9

1 Percents based on 2,215,000 decedents.

NOTES: Excludes deaths to persons under 15 years of age and those deaths occurring in South Dakota.

Standard errors are estimated using the statistical software package SUDAAN.

SOURCE: NCHS, National Mortality Followback Survey — provisional data, 1993.

Fifty-eight percent of the decedents with reported functional limitations received help at home from their spouse. Daughters and visiting nurses provided home help for 46 and 31 percent of the decedents, respectively.

Number and percent of decedents with reported functional limitations who received help at home by who provided assistance: United States, 1993

Assistance provider Number Percent1 Standard error of percent 95 percent confidence interval
(+/- percent)
Spouse 494,000 57.3 1.5543 3.0
Mother 42,000 4.9 0.5393 1.1
Father 11,000 1.3 0.2333 0.5
Son 194,000 22.5 1.3642 2.7
Daughter 401,000 46.5 1.6080 3.2
Other relative 239,000 27.7 1.4308 2.8
Neighbor or friend 118,000 13.7 1.1082 2.2
Home hospice care 148,000 17.2 1.1596 2.3
Visiting nurse 263,000 30.6 1.5063 3.0
Visiting homemaker 81,000 9.4 0.9728 1.9
Personal care aide 114,000 13.2 1.1147 2.2
Other person 75,000 8.7 0.9182 1.8

1 Percents based on 861,000 decedents with functional limitations who received home help.

NOTES: Excludes deaths to persons under 15 years of age and those deaths occurring in South Dakota.

Standard errors are estimated using the statistical software package SUDAAN.

SOURCE: NCHS, National Mortality Followback Survey — provisional data, 1993.

Almost 60 percent of the decedents were reported to have spent at least one-half a day in bed due to illness or injury. Illness or injury kept 9 percent of the decedents in bed at least one-half of each day during their last year of life.

Number and percent distribution of decedents by time illness or injury kept decedent in bed for more than half a day during the last year of life: United States, 1993

Number of times illness kept in bed Number Percent Standard error of percent 95 percent confidence interval
(+/- percent)
Total 2,215,000 100.0 0.0000 0.0
None 803,000 36.2 0.9345 1.8
1 to 6 days 246,000 11.1 0.6383 1.3
7 to 13 days 112,000 5.0 0.4474 0.9
14 days to under 1 month 185,000 8.3 0.5502 1.1
1 up to 3 months 269,000 12.1 0.6449 1.3
3 up to 6 months 148,000 6.7 0.5014 1.0
6 up to 9 months 62,000 2.8 0.3232 0.6
9 up to 12 months 68,000 3.1 0.3350 0.7
Entire year 202,000 9.1 0.5799 1.1
Item nonresponse 123,000 5.5 0.4366 0.9

NOTES: Excludes deaths to persons under 15 years of age and those deaths occurring in South Dakota.

Figures may not add to totals due to rounding. Standard errors are estimated using the statistical software package SUDAAN.

SOURCE: NCHS, National Mortality Followback Survey — provisional data, 1993.