Social Supports

Social Supports

Social Supports

Social supports are a strategy that provide supportive social networks, friendships, and actions that can help people start, maintain, or increase physical activity. Social supports include buddy systems and walking or other activity groups. Individuals, organizations, and communities can use the following approaches to create inclusive and accessible groups and programs that help people of all ages and abilities be physically active together:

Walking or other activity groups.

Walking or other activity groups provide individuals with support and a shared experience of being physically active. Strategies can include engaging community members and partners, organizing resources, and recruiting leaders.

Groups that support people with disabilities or chronic conditions.

These groups use approaches that are relevant and appropriate for people with disabilities or those who have chronic health conditions so they can participate in physical activity. Inclusion as a shared value of program staff and agencies can help programs and facilities welcome and accommodate everyone.


*Can be used to help address equitable and inclusive access to physical activity

Connect with Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity