ACT: Action Planning Guide

The Action Planning Guide is designed to inform steps of the action planning process specific to improving community built environments for physical activity, such as:

  • Leveraging cross-sector commitment by identifying disciplines that should be considered for inclusion on the cross-sector team
  • Understanding the community’s plans, policies, and resources for improving community built environments for physical activity to better clarify opportunities for action or engagement through completion of the Active Communities Tool: Assessment Modules
  • Considering the potential actions that best align with the relevant transportation or land use planning cycle

It includes implementation resources and a section for crosscutting resource materials.  For each content section, a small number of relevant resources were selected, prioritizing current, practical “how to” documents from federal agencies, national organizations, or CDC-funded partners whenever possible that are free and openly accessible to the public.

Begin by using the resources for leveraging cross-sector commitment, or skip ahead to the section that best describes your current stage of work.

  1. Background
  2. Leveraging Cross-Sector Commitment
  3. Understanding the Community Context to Inform Selection of Potential Actionable Areas
    1. Complete the Active Communities Tool: Assessment Modules
  4. Developing an Action Plan
  5. Evaluating the Impact
  6. Integrating Improvements into a Lasting Community-wide Effort
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