Community-wide Campaigns

Community-wide Campaigns

Community-wide Campaigns

Community-wide campaigns promote physical activity by combining a variety of strategies, such as media coverage and promotions, risk factor screening and education, community events, and policy and programmatic initiatives, such as walking trails or social supports. Community-wide campaigns are large-scale, high-visibility, high-intensity, and sustainable. Communities can bring multiple sectors together and use tested communication techniques to encourage physical activity with the following approach:

Events combined with multichannel messaging.

Community events such as walking groups at schools, worksites and malls, along with community health fairs that offer health risk appraisals can be combined with support groups, physical activity counseling, and multichannel messaging such as television, radio, newspaper columns and inserts, and trailers in movie theaters to promote community-wide physical activity campaigns.


*Can be used to help address equitable and inclusive access to physical activity

Connect with Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity