Infographic about LGB Teen Dating Violence Data

LGB Teen Dating Violence

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Youth people experience teen dating violence especially lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth.

It could be someone you KNOW.TEACH.LOVE.

Students reported they experienced…

Physical Dating Violence
Being hit, slammed into something, or injured with an object on purpose at least once by someone they were dating or going out with 6% of heterosexual student,  17% of LGB students and 14% students unsure of their sexuality (during the 12 months before the survey).

Sexual Dating Violence
Being kissed, touched, or physically forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to—by someone they were dating or going out with—at least once 6% of heterosexual student,  16% of LGB students and 14% students unsure of their sexuality (during the 12 months before the survey).

Ever being forced to have sexual intercourse with anyone when they did not want to (dating partner or otherwise) 5% of heterosexual student,  22% of LGB students and 13% students unsure of their sexuality.

During 12 months before the survey among students who were dating or going our with someone

Prevention is possible!

Be the change in your community.

Be a mentor or tutor.

Volunteer at schools and in your community.

Model how to respond nonviolently to conflict, stress, and fear.

Notice good choices and praise them.

Prevent minors from getting unsupervised access to firearms.

Help prevent bullying and sexual harassment.

Ensure school staff care about who students are and what they learn.

Start or join a youth violence prevention coalition.

Safe and supportive relationships and environments improve education, safety, and health for all youth.

For the 2017 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 14,956 questionnaires were completed in 144 public and private schools.