Maximizing Limited Resources for HIV Prevention

In the last decade, CDC and its partners have used a "combination prevention" approach to reducing HIV infections, involving an increasingly comprehensive mix of proven interventions. But simply combining interventions is not enough – to maximize reductions in new infections, prevention strategies need to be combined in the smartest and most efficient ways possible for each of the populations affected by the epidemic.

Today, the need to do more with existing resources is greater than ever. The global economic crisis has led to major reductions in HIV prevention resources at the state and local levels, and federal financing is severely constrained. High-Impact Prevention addresses this reality by achieving a higher level of impact with every federal prevention dollar.

This approach guides the broad allocation of prevention resources as well as the development of specific prevention strategies for all populations at risk, including gay and bisexual men, communities of color, women, injection drug users, transgender women and men, youth and others.

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