
Lead Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and Illinois Department of Public Health

Program Name: BRACE-Illinois

The BRACE-Illinois Program is preparing for the impacts of a changing climate by focusing on extreme heat, air quality and respiratory illnesses, flooding, vector-borne diseases, water-borne diseases, and mental health. The program’s main activities to address these hazards are education, capacity building in the local health departments, and use of planning tools. Through a competitive selection process, local health departments have the opportunity to receive training and support in the areas of climate science, public health effects linked to climate sensitive events, public health hazard vulnerability assessment, strategic planning to address prioritized climate sensitive health effects, and incorporating climate change into current programs and planning processes. The program also provides educational opportunities by providing continuing medical education credits to a variety of audiences through multiple modalities with a particular emphasis on the medical community. BRACE-Illinois also develops toolkits designed to help guide public health and emergency preparedness professionals in their efforts to prepare their communities for the new normal of extreme weather events.

Climate-Ready State funded since 2012

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Contact information: Elena Grossman, BRACE-Illinois Program Director,

Page last reviewed: September 19, 2019