National Vital Statistics System

23. Was the mother transferred to this facility for maternal medical or fetal indications for delivery?

Category: Labor and Delivery

BC # 28

Definitions, instructions, sources, keywords and abbreviations
Definitions Transfers include hospital to hospital, birth facility to hospital, etc.  Does not include home to hospital.

If the mother was transferred from another facility to this facility for medical reasons related to the pregnancy check “yes.”

If yes, enter the name of the facility the mother transferred from. If the name of the facility is not known, enter “unknown.”

Check “no” if the mother was transferred from home.


1st  Labor and delivery nursing admission triage form under

  • Reason for admission
  • Comments

2nd  Admission history and physical (H&P)

3rd  Labor & delivery – Delivery record

  • Maternal OB/labor summary
  • Labor and delivery admission history
  • Labor summary record
Keywords and Abbreviations

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