Special Topics

Adult Alcohol Use Information

Describes the history of NHIS adult alcohol use questions and provides tools for identifying, accessing, and using NHIS adult alcohol use data.

Adult Physical Activity Information

Describes the history of NHIS adult physical activity questions and provides tools for identifying, accessing, and using NHIS physical activity data.

Adult Tobacco Use Information

Describes the history of NHIS adult tobacco use questions and provides tools for identifying, accessing, and using NHIS adult tobacco use data.

Health Insurance Information

Provides users of the NHIS an understanding of the evaluation and editing process for the health insurance information collected.

Injury and Poisoning Information

Describes the history of NHIS injury and poisoning questions and provides tools for identifying, accessing, and using NHIS injury and poisoning data.

Race and Hispanic Origin Information

Provide users of the NHIS with in-depth information on race and Hispanic origin, two of the most important demographic variables that are collected in the survey.

Sexual Orientation Information

Describes the history of the NHIS sexual orientation questions, and provides statistics and tools for accessing and using the data.

Veterans Health Information

Describes the Veterans health research being conducted using the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).