Workshop on Data Release, Analysis Methods, and Preliminary Findings

Tuesday, July 28, 1998

Publications; Presentations; Training; and Products, Papers, and Monographs

Adler M. “What information Do We Need on Disability?” presented to and published by the Committee on National Statistics, Conference on National Statistics on Health and Social Welfare Programs in December 1996.

Adler M. “Managed Care for Persons with Disabilities,” in forthcoming Health Affairs and presented to the ASPE Managed Care Conference on People with Disabilities in November 1996.

Ficke RC. “Effects of Disability Characteristics and Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors on Participation Rates in Special Education Programs.” Westat, Inc. monograph prepared for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services, Department of Education in May 1997.

Kennedy G, et al. “Uninsured Children with Disabilities” in upcoming monograph from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, DHHS, Washington, DC.

MacPherson M, et al. “A New Definition of Children with Special Health Care Needs.” Pediatrics 102: 137-140 July 1998.

Newacheck P, et al. “Epidemiologic Profile of Children with Special Health Care Needs.” Pediatrics 102: 117-121 July 1998.

“Public Housing: Impact of Designated Public Housing on Persons with Disabilities.” (US GAO/RCED-98-160) June 1998.

Russell JN, et al. “Trends and Differential Use of Assistive Technology Devices: United States, 1994.” Advance Data. No. 292, Hyattsville, MD, National Center for Health Statistics, 1997.

Simpson G. “Determining Childhood Disability and Special Needs Children in the 1994-95 NHIS Survey on Disability.” Insights and Outlooks: Current Trends in Disability Studies. Edited by E. Makas and L. Schlesinger. The Edmund S. Muskie Institute of Public Affairs, Portland, Maine, 1994.

Stapleton D, et al. “Health Care Coverage and Employment of People with Disabilities: Final Report,” prepared by The Lewin Group for the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation in the Department of Health and Human Services, July 6, 1998.

Verbrugge L. “The Disability Supplement to the 1994-1995 National Health Interview Survey,” monograph on analyzing the NHIS-D prepared under contract to the National Center for Health Statistics, 1995.


Adler M. “Welfare Reform and Disability,” to be presented at the Interagency Working Group on Welfare Reform in Washington, DC in October 1998.

Adler M. “Role of the NHIS-D in Research,” presented at the Fifth National Disability Statistics and Policy Forum in Washington, DC on July 27, 1998.

Adler M. “Characteristics of People with Disabilities,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Indianapolis, IN in 1997.

Adler M. “Alternative Definitions of Disability based on the NHIS-D,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in New York, NY in 1996.

Adler M. “Profile of Persons with Mental Retardation and Other Developmental Disabilities,” presented to the Young Adult Institute in March 1997.

Barker P, Jack S. “Comorbidity of Mental Health and Other Disabling Conditions in Adults in a 1994 National Household Survey,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association in Orlando, FL in 1995.

Benaissa S. “Comparison of Disability Data from the National Health Interview Survey and the Survey of Income and Program Participation,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Disability Studies in Minneapolis, MN in 1997.

Benaissa S, Russell JN. “Users, User Support Services, and Frequently Asked Questions about the National Health Interview Survey on Disability,” presented at the National Center for Health Statistics Joint Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and the Data Users Conference, Washington, DC, July 28-31, 1997.

Brown SC. “Children under Six Years of Age: a Synthesis of Results from Three Datasets,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Washington, DC on November 16, 1998.

Campbell VA. “Psychological Indicators from the National Health Interview Survey among People with and Without Disability,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Washington, DC on November 17, 1998.

Cynamon M. “The National Health Interview Survey on Disability,” presented at the Agency for Health Care Policy Research Colloquia Series in Rockville, MD in 1994.

Cynamon M. “Long-Term Care Data on the 1994-1995 National Health Interview Survey on Disability,” presented at the Long-Term Care Subcommittee of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics in Washington, DC in 1993.

Cynamon M. “The 1994-1995 NHIS on Disability and the Second Supplement on Aging,” presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Epidemiology in Bethesda, MD in 1993.

Ficke RC, Brown SC. “Effects of Disability and Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors on Participation Rates in Special Education Programs,” presented at the National Center for Health Statistics Joint Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and the Data Users Conference, Washington, DC, July 28-31, 1997.

Ficke RC, Brown SC. “Disability, Family Environment, and Program Participation: Factors Influencing the Well-Being of Children,” presented at the National Center for Health Statistics Joint Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and the Data Users Conference, Washington, DC, July 28-31, 1997.

Garrison W, et al. “A Scale for the Identification of Developmental Disabilities in Preschool Children” presented at the Gatlinberg Conference on Theory and Research in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities in Charleston, SC on March 14, 1998.

Greenspan S, et al. “Developmental Disorders in Children from Infancy to Four years in the National Health Interview Survey: An analysis of diagnosis and functional capacity,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Washington, DC on November 16, 1998.

Hendershot GE, Simpson G. “Seminar on the National Health Interview Survey,” prepared for the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), in Washington, DC on March 7, 1998.

Hendershot GE, Russell JN. “Prevalence of Disability as Defined by Standard Summary Measures,” presented at the National Disability Statistics and Policy Forum, Washington, DC in 1998.

Hendershot GE, Russell JN. “Trends and Differential Use of Assistive Technology Devices,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY in 1996.

Hogan DP, Rogers M. “America’s Disabled Children: Functional Limitation and Key Indicators of Well-being,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Washington, DC on November 16, 1998.

Hough JF. “Asthma and secondary conditions: Data from the 1994 National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement and the 1994 Access to Care Survey,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN on November 10, 1997.

Hough JF. “Children with Special Health Care Needs: Prevalence of Utilization of Assistive Devices and Specialized Therapeutic Services,” presented at the CDC Maternal, Infant and Child Health Epidemiology Workshop in Atlanta, GA on December 9, 1997.

Hough JF, Lollar DJ. “Measuring the Impact on Families of Children’s Disabilities: Data from the National Health Interview Survey Supplement on Disability,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association in Washington, DC on November 15-19, 1998.

Hough JF. “Children’s Disabilities and Their Impact on Families: New Data from the 1994 National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement,” presented at the National Center for Health Statistics Joint Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and the Data Users Conference, Washington, DC, July 28-31, 1997.

Kirchner C, Schmeidler E, Halfmann D. “New Paradigm, New Data: How Good Is the Fit? –preparing to Analyze Employment Issues Using NCHS Disability Supplement,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Disability Studies in 1997.

LaPlante MP. “Defining Disability,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in New York, NY in 1996.

Larson SA, Anderson LL, Lakin KC. “People with Developmental and Other Disabilities in the 1994 National Health Interview Survey,” presented at the annual Conference of the American Association on Mental Retardation, San Diego, CA in 1998.

Lollar DJ, Hough JF. “Classifying the Consequences of Disabilities: Using National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement Data in Conjunction with the Proposed ICIDH Revision,” presented at the National Center for Health Statistics Joint Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, and the Data Users Conference in Washington, DC on July 30, 1997.

Russell JN. “Employment Characteristics of Persons with Sensory or Mobility Impairments,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Indianapolis, IN in 1997.

Russell JN. “National Health Interview Survey, Disability Supplement (NHIS-D),” presented at the Meeting of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, Subcommittee on Population-specific Issues, Washington, DC in 1997.

Simpson G. “Data on Children in the NHIS Disability Survey and NHIS Redesign,” presented at the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, National Grantees Meeting in Washington, DC on March 5, 1996.

Simpson G, Keer D, Cynamon M. “The 1994-1995 National Health Interview Survey on Disability,” presented at the American Statistical Association annual meeting in Boston in 1992. Published in the ASA Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods. Updated periodically.

Simpson G. “The Involvement of the Disability Community in Planning the NHIS Survey on Disability,” presented at the Conference on Consumer Influence on Disability sponsored by the National Council on Disability and the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, in Washington, DC on June 13, 1997.

Stein R. “Conceptual Issues: Do Functional Limitations Adequately Capture Childhood Disability?” presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Washington, DC on November 16, 1998.

Verbrugge L, Yang LS. “Multiple Disabilities,” presented at the National Disability Statistics and Policy Forum in Washington, DC on July 27, 1998.

Westbrook LE, Simpson GA, Stein REK. “Conceptual Issues in the Definition of Disability in Children” presented at the American Public Health Association annual meeting in New York on November 1996.


NHIS-D Data Systems Seminars, “Understanding and Using the National Health Interview Survey on Disability,” presented by 3 to 5 NCHS staff. Content is tailored to the specific needs of the audience.

Place Dates Approx. # of attendees
June 25-26, 1996 40
NCHS July 26, 1996 75
September 5, 1996 25
University of Illinois
November 26, 1996 25
Johns Hopkins
January 31, 1997 25

Computer Readable Data and Documentation

“1994 National Health Interview Survey on Disability, Phase 1.” National Center for Health Statistics, data from 1994 issued July 1996. A copy of the CD-ROM accompanies this report. More than 2,000 data files have been distributed.


National Health Interview Survey on Disability. Produced by Marcie Cynamon. Sensitivity awareness training video to prepare staff to work with persons with disabilities.

News Release

  • In July 1996 a press release on the availability of the 1994 NHIS-D Phase 1 was sent to all major U.S. print and broadcast media that focus on health.
  • On November 13, 1997, a fact sheet was distributed to 25 major media throughout the country that cover health and demographic issues regularly describing a new report on assistive devices based on data from the NHIS-D. At least 8 newspapers ran a story about assistive devices citing findings from this report. The fact sheet was also posted on the NCHS Web site.