Summary Health Statistics

Summary Health Statistics are descriptive statistics for various health measures including health status, conditions, health behaviors, activity limitations, health insurance coverage, and access and utilization of health care. These measures are available for the nation as a whole and for selected subgroups defined by characteristics such as sex, age, race, ethnicity, family income, and region of the United States.

Summary Health Statistics for 2013-2018 are provided in online tables. For the 1997–2012 NHIS, Summary Health Statistics were provided in three Vital and Health Statistics Series 10 Reports (one each for adults, children, and the whole population), and for the 1962–1996 NHIS, similar descriptive statistics were provided in Current Estimates reports, which were also Vital and Health Statistics Series 10 Reports.

Selected estimates from the Summary Health Statistics tables for 2015–2018 are also available as part of an interactive data query system that provides tables and charts. These systems can be accessed by clicking on the pictures below.