NHIS Early Release Data Visualization Announcement

New Online Dynamic Report Format for

Selected Estimates Based on Data from the

National Health Interview Survey


Starting in June 2018, the quarterly Early Release report Selected Estimates Based on Data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) has transitioned from separate static reports (published April 2001 through March 2018) to an online dynamic report. The new report, like the previous reports, is published prior to final data editing and final weighting to provide access to the most recent information from NHIS.

The online dynamic report format provides a single location that will be updated quarterly with the latest estimates based on the NHIS, allowing readers to compare estimates spanning 11+ years in a single data visualization. This format uses intuitive controls to easily create interactive charts and tables with contents summarized in dynamically generated bullet points.

In addition to the change in format of this report, there are key differences in the content of the old and new formats.

  • The online dynamic report contains estimates based on the 2006 through the latest available NHIS. Previous static reports include estimates based on the 1997 NHIS up through the September 2017 NHIS.
  • The online dynamic report contains the same set of selected health measures as the previous static reports with the exception of health insurance coverage and type of coverage. Estimates of health insurance can now be found exclusively in Health Insurance Coverage: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey [529 – KB].
  • Similar to the previous static reports, the online dynamic report presents trends over time as well as single-year estimates by age group and sex, and race and ethnicity. Additionally, the online dynamic report adds single-year estimates by metropolitan statistical area (MSA) status. This release is the first to present results for persons living in metropolitan areas separately from those for persons not living in metropolitan areas.
  • An enhancement in the online dynamic report is the “tool tip” which provides the reader with useful information when hovering on a bar within a chart. In the tool tip, the reader can find specifics about the estimate such as any subgroups it is for, the year and quarter of the NHIS it is from, percentage, and confidence interval. For trend charts, a matrix of z-scores providing indications of statistically significant differences between years is also provided. The z-score is a statistic that helps you decide whether or not the difference between any two specific years is statistically significant (whether or not to reject the null hypothesis that there is no difference).

Each set of figures, tables, and bullets from the online dynamic report can be exported to PDF format for download, sharing, and printing.