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Accuracy of Principal and Teacher Knowledge of School District Policies on Sun Protection in California Elementary Schools



Table 1. Profile of the Samples of Elementary Schools (n = 118), Principals (n = 118), and Teachers (n = 113) Who Participated in Study of Knowledge of the School District Written Policy on Sun Protection, California Puboplic School Districts, January 2014–April 2016a
Characteristic Mean (SD) or %
Distance from study office in Claremont, California, milesb 133.6 (180.1)
Total no. of students enrolled in school 564.6 (215.6)
English-learner students, % 27.8 (17.0)
Fluent English-proficient students, % 8.7 (6.6)
Students in free or reduced-price meal program, % 64.1 (28.8)
African American students, % 6.4 (7.6)
American Indian or Alaska Native students, % 1.7 (7.3)
Asian students, % 6.5 (12.8)
Filipino students, % 1.6 (2.7)
Hispanic or Latino students, % 54.5 (26.4)
Pacific Islander students, % 0.5 (1.1)
Non-Hispanic white students, % 24.0 (22.3)
Students identifying as ≥2 races/ethnicities 3.6 (3.3)
No. of years working . . .
In public education in any position 21.1 (7.1)
As a principal in current school district 4.6 (4.0)
In current school district 11.4 (9.2)
Skin type
1 (Darkest skin/lowest risk) 28.7
2 28.7
3 25.2
4 17.4
5 (Lightest skin/highest risk) 17.4
Age, y 47.8 (7.7)
Personal or family history of skin cancer 39.0
Hispanic ethnicity 21.2
American Indian/Alaska Native 3.4
Asian 0.8
Black/African American 8.5
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0.8
Non-Hispanic white 69.5
More than one race/ethnicity 5.1
Prefer not to answer 3.4
None of these 8.5
Female 72.0
Male 27.1
Prefer not to answer 0.9
No. of years working . . .
In public education in any position 14.3 (7.3)
As a teacher in current school district 11.6 (7.5)
Grade(s) currently taughtc
Kindergarten 17.0
Grade 1 17.9
Grade 2 18.8
Grade 3 21.4
Grade 4 21.4
Grade 5 18.8
Grade 6 9.8
Grade 7 2.7
Grade 8 1.8
No specific grade 45.1
Teach health or science curriculum
No 58.0
Yes, health 7.1
Yes, science 17.9
Yes, health and science 17.0
Skin type
1 (Darkest skin/lowest risk) 26.4
2 27.3
3 22.7
4 20.9
5 (Lightest skin/highest risk) 2.7
Age, y 43.4 (10.0)
Personal or family history of skin cancer 42.5
Hispanic ethnicity 22.1
American Indian/Alaska Native 4.4
Asian 7.1
Black/African American 4.4
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 2.7
Non-Hispanic white 66.4
More than one race/ethnicity 3.5
Prefer not to answer 2.6
None of these 8.9
Female 86.7
Male 13.3
Prefer not to answer 0

a Sample consisted of California public school districts that subscribed to the California School Boards Association, had an elementary school, adopted Board Policy 5141.7 for sun safety, and posted it online from September 2013 through December 2015. Participants completed surveys from January 2014 through April 2016.
b Median, 42 miles; range, 2–809 miles; interquartile range, 30–96 miles.
c Teachers could select more than one grade level.


Table 2. Percentage of Correct and Incorrect Knowledge of the School District Written Policy on Sun Protection Among Elementary School Principals (N = 38) and Teachers (N = 13) Who Were Aware of the Policy, California Public School Districts, January 2014–April 2016a
Policy Component Accurate Policy Knowledgeb, % Inaccurate Policy Knowledgec, %
Addressed in Policy Not Addressed in Policy Total Addressed in Policy Not Addressed in Policy Total
Sunscreen use 68.4 5.3 73.7 2.6 23.7 26.3
Ultraviolet-protective clothing use 71.1 0 71.1 2.6 26.3 28.9
Hat use 76.3 0 76.3 2.6 21.1 23.7
Educate students on sun safety 23.7 21.1 44.8 10.5 44.7 55.2
Educate teachers on sun safety 0 84.2 84.2 15.8 0 15.8
Provide outdoor shade 23.7 15.8 39.5 2.6 57.9 60.5
Adjust schedules so outdoor activities avoid midday 35.1 13.5 48.6 2.7 48.7 51.4
Communication with parents about sun safety 32.4 21.6 54.0 8.1 37.9 46.0
Allocate resources for sun safety 0 91.9 91.9 8.1 0 8.1
Encourage staff to model sun safety 32.4 8.1 40.5 2.7 56.8 59.5
Sunscreen use 38.5 7.7 46.2 7.7 46.1 53.8
Ultraviolet-protective clothing use 53.8 0 53.8 0 46.2 46.2
Hat use 53.8 0 53.8 0 46.2 46.2
Educate students on sun safety 15.4 30.8 46.2 7.7 46.2 53.9
Educate teachers on sun safety 0 92.3 92.3 7.7 0 7.7
Provide outdoor shade 30.8 23.1 53.9 7.7 38.4 46.2
Adjust schedules so outdoor activities avoid midday 38.5 15.4 53.9 0 46.1 46.1
Communication with parents about sun safety 23.1 23.1 46.2 15.4 38.4 53.8
Allocate resources for sun safety 0 92.3 92.3 7.7 0 7.7
Encourage staff to model sun safety 23.1 0 23.1 7.7 69.2 76.9

a Sample consisted of California public school districts that subscribed to the California School Boards Association, had an elementary school, adopted Board Policy 5141.7 for sun safety, and posted it online from September 2013 through December 2015. Participants completed surveys from January 2014 through April 2016.
b Accurate policy knowledge means that school district policy addressed policy component and principal said the component was addressed in the policy, or school district policy did not address policy component and principal said the component was not addressed in the policy.
c Inaccurate policy knowledge means that school district policy addressed policy component and principal said the component was not addressed in the policy, or school district policy did not address policy component and principal said the component was addressed in the policy.



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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.