Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI)

About Us
A scientist analyzes and drops a sample on a plate.

Mission: To foster innovation, scientific collaboration, and the advancement of technologies for public health benefit.


  • Cultivates and develops innovative science, technologies, and processes that support CDC’s ability to protect America from health, safety, and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.
Abstract molecular structure.
  • Promotes the transfer of CDC knowledge and technology into new products and services to improve public health.
    • Facilitates partnerships with external organizations through research collaborations, licenses, material transfers, and more.
Lightbulb with abstract imprint of globe.
  • Promotes innovative approaches and solutions to advance public health across the agency.
    • Includes Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, academic collaborations, training, data science, citizen science, challenges, contests, and more.

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