PPE CASE – Evaluation of a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Involved in a Fatality While Operating at a Structure Fire
Watertown Fire Department Request for a MSA Model G1, 45 minute, 4500 psi unit
June 2021
NPPTL Report Number TN-24882
NIOSH received an SCBA used by a fire fighter involved in a fatality. The tested components of the SCBA were not found to contribute to the fatality.
A qualified service technician must inspect, repair, test, clean, and replace damaged components of any SCBA involved in an incident before it may be returned to service.

This report provides a summary of NPPTL’s inspection and evaluation methods as well as findings for testing related to an SCBA that was being used by the Watertown Fire Department fire fighter during a fatal event. The SCBA used was an MSA Model G1, 45 minute, 4500 psi unit. NIOSH DSR and the Watertown Fire Department were advised that NIOSH NPPTL would provide a written report of the investigation and any applicable test results
Watertown Fire Department Request for a MSA Model G1, 45 minute, 4500 psi unit [PDF – 4 MB]
Suggested Citation
NIOSH [2021]. PPE CASE: Evaluation of a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Involved in a Fatality While Operating at a Structure Fire. By Jay Tarley and Angie Andrews. Evaluation and Testing Branch, National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, West Virginia, NPPTL TN-24882.