
All prospective applicants should review the eligibility criteria found in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Awards are made to organizations, not individuals. Each NOFO outlines who is eligible to apply, special eligibility requirements, and the justification for eligibility criteria. For more information on CDC’s NOFOs, visit the Application Process.

3 Steps to Determine Eligibility
  1. Review eligibility criteria outlined in NOFO
  2. Review criteria against organization status
  3. Contact Grants Management Officers/Specialists (GMO/GMS) if additional assistance is required
Standard Eligibility Criteria
Competition Type Eligibility Criteria
Full and Open Competition All qualified organizations may apply based on application requirements outlined in the NOFO.
Limited Competition Only eligible organizations may apply based on the specific requirements of the NOFO.

CDC may limit competition in order to:

  • Comply with authorizing statute or regulations
  • Ensure applicants are a good match to carry out the outlined activities
  • Achieve the desired outcome(s)
  • Provide opportunities to disadvantaged organizations

For Example: Competition may be limited to government organizations including state health departments and large city health departments (populations > 900k); American Indian Tribes and Alaskan Native Villages

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