Evaluation Guides & Toolkits

CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) developed evaluation guides and toolkits for state and local heart disease and stroke prevention programs. The resources on this page include guides, examples, and lessons learned to help you plan and implement an evaluation.

Grady Implementation Guide

Grady Implementation Guide
This implementation guide for public health practitioners and health care professionals is based on the Grady Heart Failure Program. The guide provides a detailed description of an effective intervention to address health disparities among heart failure patients.

Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process Approach Guide

Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process Approach Guide
This implementation guide provides key examples for public health practitioners and health care professionals to help engage pharmacists in hypertension management through the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process. The guide shares lessons learned from the Michigan Medicine Hypertension Pharmacists’ Program.

Community Clinical Linkages

NewCommunity-Clinical Linkages Health Equity Guide
This guide provides considerations for practitioners to help them incorporate health equity into community-clinical linkages (CCLs). CCLs are an effective approach to preventing and managing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Evaluation Basics Guide Series
This series of evaluation technical assistance tools clarifies approaches to and methods of evaluation; provides examples that are specific to the scope and purpose of DHDSP programs; and recommends resources for additional reading.

Program-Specific Evaluation Guides and Toolkits

CDC developed guidance documents that are most relevant for specific programs funded by DHDSP.

Health Systems Scorecard (HSSC) Version 2.0

The CDC’s Health Systems Scorecard (HSSC) Version 2.0 is a voluntary quality improvement tool to assess evidence-based chronic disease care management policies and practices. Download and share the following tools: