Transportation Accidents

At a glance

An infographic detailing main dangers behind transportation accidents involving radioactive waste and how you can protect yourself in the event of an accident.

Format: PDF
Language: English (US)

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Transportation accidents

How is radioactive material transported?

Radioactive material is transported by trucks, rail, and other shipping methods. Shipments involving significant amounts of radioactive material are required to have documentation, labels, and placards identifying the cargo as radioactive. Radioactive material must be packed in special protective containers that are designed and tested to withstand damage.

What are the main dangers of transportation accidents involving radiation?

The main dangers of transportation accidents involving radiation are contact with and exposure to radioactive material, in the rare event that the shipping container is damaged. It is very unlikely that accidents involving transport of radioactive material will cause any radiation-related injuries or illnesses. Emergency officials have plans in place to safely respond to transportation accidents involving radioactive material.

What should I do to protect myself?

Report any transportation accidents involving radiation to emergency responders immediately. Stay as far away from the site of the accident as possible. Do not touch any cargo from the transport container.

If you believe you have been exposed, listen for instructions from emergency officials and contact your doctor.

Learn more. Visit Radiation Emergencies.