Contact Us

If you would like to contact a member of the Long-Term Care Statistics Branch about our data, results and publications, or services, please call 301-458-4747 or send an email to



The Long-Term Care Statistics Branch (LTCSB) at NCHS is committed to providing high quality and easily accessible content for users of its long-term care survey websites and products. To maintain this level of excellence and to ensure that our online content meets the needs of users interested in statistics on long-term care services and supports, LTCSB would like to get your feedback. Below are links to NCHS’ long-term care survey website home pages:

  1. National Study of Long-Term Care Providers (NSLTCP)
  2. National Survey of Residential Care Facilities (NSRCF)
  3. National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS)
  4. National Home and Hospice Care Survey (NHHCS)

Please send any feedback that you may have that is related to our website or products using the form below. Include the following contact information in the body of your email along with your feedback: (1) your first and last name; (2) name of the organization you are affiliated with; and (3) an email address or phone number to reach you.