Intestinal Parasite Flow Chart Outline

Figure 1. Management of Asymptomatic Refugees for Parasitic Infection if They Received No or Incomplete Pre-departure Treatment and Initial Approach to Persistent Eosinophilia

Figure 1. Management of Asymptomatic Refugees for Parasitic Infection if They Received No or Incomplete Pre-departure Treatment and Initial Approach to Persistent Eosinophilia
  1. If “Refugees from Asia and the Middle East (1) Presumptive albendazole OR stool ova and parasites x 2 or more (2) CBC with differential (3) Presumptive treatment or screen and treat for strongyloidiasis”, then “Treat positive pathogenic parasite detected”, then Q: “Eosinophilia?”
    1. If “Yes”, then “Recheck total eosinophil count in 3-6 months”, then Q: “Eosinophilia?”
      1. If “Yes”, then “Further evaluation of etiology of eosinophilia”
      2. If “No”, then “Further evaluation, if symptomatic”
    2. If “No”, then “Further evaluation, if symptomatic”
  2. If “Refugees from Loa loa-endemic areas of Africa (1) Presumptive albendazole OR stool ova and parasites x 2 or more (2) CBC with differential (3) Screen for strongyloidiasis and treat if no contraindications (4) Presumptive treatment OR screen for schistosomiasis”, then “Treat positive pathogenic parasite detected”, then Q: “Eosinophilia?”
    1. If “Yes”, then “Recheck total eosinophil count in 3-6 months”, then Q: “Eosinophilia?”
      1. If “Yes”, then “Further evaluation of etiology of eosinophilia”
      2. If “No”, then “Further evaluation, if symptomatic”
    2. If “No”, then “Further evaluation, if symptomatic”
  3. If “Refugees from non Loa loa-endemic areas of Africa (1) Presumptive albendazole OR stool ova and parasites x 2 or more (2) CBC with differential (3) Presumptive treatment OR screen and treat for strongyloidiasis (4) Presumptive treatment OR screen for schistosomiasis”, then “Treat positive pathogenic parasite detected”, then Q: “Eosinophilia?”
    1. If “Yes”, then “Recheck total eosinophil count in 3-6 months”, then Q: “Eosinophilia?”
      1. If “Yes”, then “Further evaluation of etiology of eosinophilia”
      2. If “No”, then “Further evaluation, if symptomatic”
    2. If “No”, then “Further evaluation, if symptomatic”