2021 Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Annual Surveillance Report

Outbreaks reported


Cases reported






More than half of reported waterborne disease outbreaks were linked to recreational water in 2021.

Linked to recreational water exposure

62% of outbreaks

56% of cases

Linked to drinking water exposure

29% of outbreaks

42% of cases

Linked to other water exposures, such as industrial water or flood waters

2% of outbreaks

<1% of cases

Linked to unknown water exposures

8% of outbreaks

2% of cases

Legionella caused half of reported waterborne disease outbreaks and 63% of hospitalizations and 60% of deaths.

Top 5 causes of reported outbreaks
  1. Legionella (50%)
  2. Cyanobacterial toxins (15%)
  3. Campylobacter (6%)
  4. Cryptosporidium (6%)
  5. Pseudomonas (6%)
Legionella outbreaks caused the most cases of severe disease

20% of reported cases

63% of hospitalizations

60% of deaths


Each year, 17 pathogens transmitted through water cause an estimated 7.2 million cases of waterborne illness (95% credible interval [CrI], 3.9–12.0 million), 120,000 hospitalizations (95% CrI, 86,800–150,000) and 6,600 deaths (95% CrI, 4,520–8,870) in the United States (1). Summaries of reported waterborne disease outbreak data help characterize waterborne disease epidemiology.


For an event to be defined as a waterborne disease outbreak, two or more cases of similar illness must be epidemiologically linked by time, location of exposure to water, and type of illness, and this epidemiologic evidence must implicate water as the probable source of illness. Cases are categorized as laboratory-confirmed or probable using case definitions specific to each outbreak. The epidemiologic evidence must implicate exposure to water or gas volatilized from the water as the outbreak source and can be strengthened by environmental health and laboratory data.

CDC has conducted national surveillance for waterborne disease outbreaks since 1971 via the Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System (WBDOSS). Public health officials in U.S. jurisdictions (the 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, and Freely Associated States) have voluntarily reported waterborne disease outbreaks through the web-based platform, National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) since 2009. WBDOSS captures outbreak data associated with recreational water, drinking water, other, and unknown types of exposures to water. Water from an identified outbreak source other than a recreational water venue or drinking water system is referred to as “other” water exposure (e.g., industrial water, flood water, agriculture, or medical treatments). If there are insufficient data to link the outbreak to a specific water source, the outbreak is reported to be associated with an unknown water exposure. Individual outbreaks associated with multiple types of water sources are also reported to be associated with an unknown water exposure.

Jurisdictions used a standard form (National Outbreak Reporting System, CDC 52.12 [PDF – 13 pages])1 to report waterborne disease outbreaks. In addition to water exposure data, data on the following are collected: earliest illness onset date; etiology; implicated recreational water venue, drinking water system, etc.; the setting of exposure (e.g., a hotel/motel, hospital/healthcare facility, beach); and outbreak case, hospitalization, and death counts. Outbreaks of suspected and confirmed etiologies were summarized together. NORS data are available for visualization and download using the NORS Dashboard, a web-based tool for searching and accessing outbreak data.

This summary includes waterborne disease outbreaks voluntarily reported through NORS as of January 19, 2023, and for which the earliest illness onset date was in 2021. Outbreak reports went through a standardized data cleaning process, a collaboration between CDC and reporting jurisdictions that increases data quality. Jurisdictions can submit new outbreak reports and revise or delete reports as additional data become available. Thus, 2021 NORS data reported in future analyses might differ from the numbers presented here.

1 An updated NORS reporting form (CDC 52.14 [PDF – 24 pages]) was released in January 2023 and combines reporting for all modes of transmission. The previous form was used during March 2017–January 2023 (including for this report) and was specific to waterborne disease outbreaks.


All Water Exposures

During 2021, public health officials reported 52 waterborne disease outbreaks associated with exposures in 20 states (Figure 1). No outbreaks involving multi-state exposures were reported.

Figure 1. Frequency* of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52), by state of exposure — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021

* These numbers are dependent on public health capacity and reporting requirements, which vary across individual jurisdictions. Thus, these numbers do not necessarily indicate the actual occurrence of outbreaks in each jurisdiction.

The 52 reported outbreaks were associated with at least 511 cases, 104 hospitalizations, and 10 deaths (Table 1). Recreational water was implicated in investigations of almost two thirds of these outbreaks (62%, 32/52) and associated with over half of cases (56%, 284/511), over one third of hospitalizations (36%, 37/104), and one death. Drinking water was implicated in investigations of almost one third of outbreaks (29%, 15/52) and associated with over one third of cases (42%, 214/511), over half of hospitalizations (54%, 56/104), and seven deaths. Other exposure to water was implicated for 2% (1/52) of outbreaks; unknown water exposure was implicated for 8% (4/52) of outbreaks.

Table 1. Number and percentage* of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52) and associated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by type of water exposure — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Outbreak Exposure Outbreaks N (%) Cases N (%) Hospitalizations N (%) Deaths N (%)
Number and percentage* of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52) and associated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by type of water exposure — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Recreational 32 (62%) 284 (56%) 37 (36%) 1 (10%)
Drinking 15 (29%) 214 (42%) 56 (54%) 7 (70%)
Other 1 (2%) 2 (0%) 2 (2%) 0
Unknown 4 (8%) 11 (2%) 9 (9%) 2 (20%)
Total 52 (100%) 511 (100%) 104 (100%) 10 (100%)

* Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
Water from an identified outbreak source other than a recreational venue or drinking water system is referred to as “other” water exposure (e.g., agriculture, industrial water, flood water, or medical treatments).

Almost one third (33%, 17/52) of outbreaks started in June or July (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Number of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52), by month of earliest illness onset — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021

Bacteria were implicated in 69% (36/52) of outbreaks with a confirmed or suspected etiology; chemicals were implicated in 19% (10) of outbreaks (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Percentage of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52), by etiology type* — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021

* Multiple etiology type outbreaks include one outbreak suspected to be caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and chlorine and one outbreak suspected to be caused by Campylobacter and norovirus.

At least one etiology was confirmed in 73% (38/52) of investigations of outbreaks and 14 outbreaks (27%) had suspected etiologies (Table 2). Legionella was the most frequently reported etiology, confirmed or suspected to have caused 50% (26/52) of outbreaks. Outbreaks caused by Legionella were associated with 20% (103/511) of cases but 63% (65/104) of hospitalizations and six deaths. Harmful algal bloom (HAB) associated etiologies caused 15% (8/52) of outbreaks and 11% (58/511) of cases. These outbreaks, referred to throughout the report as cyanobacterial species/toxins, included cyanotoxin, Microcystis, and anatoxin-a.

Table 2. Number and percentage* of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52) and associated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by etiology — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Number and percentage* of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52) and associated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by etiology
Etiology Outbreaks Cases Hospitalizations Deaths
N % Confirmed Suspected N % N % N %
Legionella 26 50 23 3 103 20 65 63 6 60
Cyanobacterial species/toxins‡ 8 15 1 7 58 11 1 1 0 0
Campylobacter 3 6 2 1 72 14 7 7 0 0
Cryptosporidium 3 6 3 0 64 13 0 0 0 0
Pseudomonas 3 6 2 1 35 7 12 12 4 40
Chlorine Gas 2 4 2 0 32 6 7 7 0 0
Escherichia 2 4 2 0 12 2 4 4 0 0
Norovirus 1 2 1 0 20 4 0 0 0 0
Salmonella 1 2 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0
Multiple† 3 6 1 2 112 22 8 8 0 0
Total 52 100 38 14 511 100 104 100 10 100

* Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
An outbreak is considered to have a confirmed etiology if there are two or more lab-confirmed cases, or for certain chemicals/toxins, if there are at least two cases (lab-confirmed or probable cases) with signs and symptoms meeting the clinical confirmation criteria.
Cyanobacterial species/toxins included cyanotoxin, Microcystis (a cyanobacteria that can produce cyanotoxins), and anatoxin-a (a type of cyanotoxin).
§ Multiple etiology outbreaks include one outbreak caused by Escherichia coli (confirmed) and Clostridium difficile (suspected); one outbreak suspected to be caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and/or chlorine; and one outbreak suspected to be caused by Campylobacter and norovirus.

The most frequently reported outbreak setting was hotel/motel (25%, 13/52 outbreaks), followed by hospital/healthcare facility (17%, 9 outbreaks), and outdoor recreational area (12%, 6 outbreaks) (Table 3).

Table 3. Number and percentage* of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52) and associated cases, by setting — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Number and percentage* of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 52) and associated cases, by setting
Water Setting Outbreaks N (%) Cases N (%)
Hotel/Motel 13 (25%) 116 (23%)
Hospital/Healthcare Facility 9 (17%) 38 (7%)
Outdoor Recreational Area 6 (12%) 64 (13%)
Beach 5 (10%) 23 (5%)
Apartment/Condo 4 (8%) 31 (6%)
Club (Requires Membership) 3 (6%) 12 (2%)
Camp/Cabin Setting 2 (4%) 99 (19%)
Community/Municipality 2 (4%) 68 (13%)
School/College/University 2 (4%) 32 (6%)
Subdivision/Neighborhood 2 (4%) 13 (3%)
Unknown§ 2 (4%) 6 (1%)
Private Residence 1 (2%) 5 (1%)
Ship/Boat 1 (2%) 4 (1%)
Total 52 (100%) 511 (100%)

* Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
A healthcare institution providing inpatient medical or surgical treatment or nursing care for sick or injured persons or a healthcare facility other than a long-term care or assisted-living facility.
A city, town, or other settlement where a large group of people live and work.
§ Setting was reported as unknown by reporting site.

Recreational Water Exposures

Recreational water was the most frequent exposure for reported waterborne disease outbreaks, associated with 62% (32/52) of outbreaks, which were associated with 56% (284/511) of cases, 36% (37/104) of hospitalizations, and one death (Table 1). Recreational water–associated outbreaks occurred year-round, but 31% (10/32) started in June or July (Figure 4). This seasonality of recreational water–associated outbreaks helped drive the seasonality of waterborne disease outbreaks overall. Notably, there were six outbreaks (19%) that occurred in December. These outbreaks were not similar across geography, etiology, or water setting

Figure 4. Number of reported waterborne disease outbreaks associated with recreational water (N = 32), by month of earliest illness onset — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021

Among recreational water outbreaks, 38% (12/32) were confirmed or suspected to be caused by Legionella (Table 4). These 12 outbreaks were associated with 19% (53/284) of cases but 51% (19/37) of hospitalizations and the only death. Cyanobacterial species/toxins resulted in 8 (25%) outbreaks, 20% (58/284) of cases and one hospitalization.

Table 4. Number and percentage* of reported recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 32) and associated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by etiology — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Number and percentage* of reported recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 32) and associated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by etiology — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Outbreaks Cases Hospitalizations Deaths
Etiology N (%) Confirmed Suspected N (%) N (%) N (%)
Legionella 12 (38%) 10 2 53 (19%) 19 (51%) 1 (100%)
Cyanobacterial species/toxins 8 (25%) 1 7 58 (20%) 1 (3%) 0
Cryptosporidium 2 (6%) 2 0 62 (22%) 0 0
Chlorine Gas 2 (6%) 2 0 32 (11%) 7 (19%) 0
Pseudomonas 2 (6%) 1 1 23 (8%) 0 0
Escherichia 2 (6%) 2 0 12 (4%) 4 (11%) 0
Norovirus 1 (3%) 1 0 20 (7%) 0 0
Salmonella 1 (3%) 1 0 3 (1%) 0 0
Multiple 2 (6%) 1 1 21 (7%) 6 (16%) 0
Total 32 (100%) 21 11 284 (100%) 37 (100%) 1 (100%)

* Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
Cyanobacterial species/toxins included cyanotoxin, Microcystis (a cyanobacteria that can produce cyanotoxins), and anatoxin-a (a type of cyanotoxin).
Multiple etiology outbreaks include one outbreak caused by Escherichia coli (confirmed) and Clostridium difficile (suspected) and one outbreak suspected to be caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and/or chlorine.

Treated recreational water (e.g., in pools, hot tubs, or splash pads) was associated with 69% (22) of the 32 outbreaks and 77% (219) of the 284 cases; untreated recreational water (e.g., in lakes, rivers, oceans) was associated with 30% (10) of outbreaks and 23% (65) of cases (Tables 5–6). Among the 22 treated recreational water–associated outbreaks, 45% (10) were associated with hot tubs and 27% (6) with pools. Among 10 untreated recreational water outbreaks, 80% were associated with a lake or reservoir.

Table 5. Number and percentage of reported treated recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 22) and associated cases, by venue — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Number and percentage of reported treated recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 22) and associated cases, by venue
Venue Outbreaks N (%) Cases N (%)
Hot Tub 10 (45%) 51 (23%)
Pool 6 (27%) 105 (48%)
Splash Pad 1 (5%) 22 (10%)
Multiple* 5 (23%) 41 (19%)
Total 22 (100%) 219 (100%)

* Multiple includes the following combinations of venues implicated in outbreak investigations: hot tub and pool (for three outbreaks); kiddie/wading pool and pool (for one); and hot tub, kidding/wading pool, and pool (for one).

Table 6. Number and percentage of reported untreated recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 10) and associated cases, by venue — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Number and percentage of reported untreated recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 10) and associated cases, by venue
Venue Outbreaks n (%) Cases n (%)
Lake/Reservoir 8 (80%) 34 (52%)
Ocean 1 (10%) 3 (5%)
River/Stream 1 (10%) 28 (43%)
Total 10 (100%) 65 (100%)

The most frequently reported setting for recreational water–associated outbreaks was hotel/motel (34%, 11/32), followed by beach (16%, 5/32) and outdoor recreational area (16%, 5/32) (Table 7).

Table 7. Number and percentage* of reported recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 33) and associated cases, by setting — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 7. Number and percentage* of reported recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 33) and associated cases, by setting
Setting Outbreaks N (%) Cases N (%)
Hotel/Motel 11 (34%) 112 (39%)
Beach 5 (16%) 23 (8%)
Outdoor Recreational Area 5 (16%) 60 (21%)
Apartment/Condo 2 (6%) 26 (9%)
School/College/University 2 (6%) 32 (11%)
Club (Requires Membership) 2 (6%) 8 (3%)
Camp/Cabin Setting 1 (3%) 8 (3%)
Community/Municipality† 1 (3%) 4 (1%)
Private Residence 1 (3%) 5 (2%)
Ship/Boat 1 (3%) 4 (1%)
Subdivision/Neighborhood 1 (3%) 2 (1%)
Total 32 (100%) 284 (100%)

* Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
A city, town, or other settlement where a large group of people live and work.

The 22 treated recreational water-associated outbreaks were associated with 219 cases, 33 hospitalizations, and one death (Table 8). Among these outbreaks, 26% (6) were confirmed or suspected to be caused by Legionella and associated with hotel/motel hot tubs. One outbreak caused by Cryptosporidium resulted in 18% (40/219) of cases.

Table 8. Reported treated recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 22), by jurisdiction — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 8. Reported treated recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 22), by jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Month Etiology Etiology Status Cases Hospitalizations Deaths Water Venue(s) Water Setting(s)
Florida March Confirmed Legionella pneumophila 2 1 0 Hot Tub Subdivision/Neighborhood
Florida April Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 3 0 0 Hot Tub Hotel/Motel
Florida June Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 3 2 0 Hot Tub Hotel/Motel
Florida November Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 4 4 0 Hot Tub Community/Municipality
Florida December Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 11 2 0 Hot Tub Apartment/Condo
Florida December Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 2 2 0 Hot Tub Club (Requires Membership)
Florida December Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 2 1 0 Hot Tub Hotel/Motel
Illinois March Suspected Pseudomonas sp. 12 0 0 Pool Hotel/Motel
Indiana March Confirmed Legionella sp. 6 5 0 Pool Other – Gym/aquatics
Indiana July Confirmed Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing O121 8 1 0 Kiddie/Wading Pool, Pool Camp/Cabin Setting
Michigan May Suspected Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 2 1 1 Hot Tub, Pool Hotel/Motel
Minnesota December Confirmed Chlorine Gas 15 0 0 Pool School/College/University
Minnesota December Suspected Chlorine, Pseudomonas aeruginosa   6 0 0 Hot Tub, Kiddie/Wading Pool, Pool Hotel/Motel
Montana April Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 10 0 0 Hot Tub Hotel/Motel
Pennsylvania June Suspected Clostridium difficile, Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing O157:H7 15 6 0 Pool Apartment/Condo
South Carolina September Suspected Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 5 1 0 Hot Tub, Pool Private Residence
South Dakota January Confirmed Cryptosporidium sp. 40 0 0 Pool Hotel/Motel
Tennessee June Confirmed Cryptosporidium hominis, Cryptosporidium parvum 22 0 0 Splash Pad Outdoor Recreational Area
Virginia April Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 3 0 0 Hot Tub Hotel/Motel
Wisconsin January Confirmed Pseudomonas aeruginosa 11 0 0 Hot Tub Hotel/Motel
Wisconsin June Confirmed Norovirus GI.5[P4] 20 0 0 Hot Tub, Pool Hotel/Motel
Wisconsin December Confirmed Chlorine Gas 17 7 0 Pool School/College/University

The 10 untreated recreational water-associated outbreaks were associated with 65 cases and four hospitalizations; 50% were associated with a beach setting (Table 9). All but one outbreak started during June–September, and eight outbreaks were confirmed or suspected to be caused by cyanobacterial species/toxins, including cyanotoxin, anatoxin-a, or Microcystis.

Table 9. Reported untreated recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 10), by jurisdiction — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 9. Reported untreated recreational water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 10), by jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Month Etiology Status Etiology Cases Hospitalizations Deaths Water Venue Water Setting
Florida June Confirmed Salmonella 3 0 0 Ocean Beach
Kansas September Confirmed Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing O157 4 3 0 Lake/Reservoir State Park
Michigan September Confirmed Cyanotoxin 4 0 0 Lake/Reservoir Ship/Boat
Utah February Suspected Anatoxin-a 28 1 0 River/Stream National Park
Utah June Suspected Microcystis 8 0 0 Lake/Reservoir Beach
Utah June Suspected Cyanotoxin 3 0 0 Lake/Reservoir State Park
Utah July Suspected Cyanotoxin 5 0 0 Lake/Reservoir Beach
Utah August Suspected Cyanotoxin 4 0 0 Lake/Reservoir Beach
Utah September Suspected Cyanotoxin 3 0 0 Lake/Reservoir Beach
Virginia July Suspected Cyanotoxin 3 0 0 Lake/Reservoir Outdoor Recreational Area

Drinking Water Exposures

Drinking water exposure was associated with 29% (15/52) of reported waterborne disease outbreaks, which were associated with 42% (214/511) of cases, 54% (56/104) of hospitalizations, and seven deaths (Table 1). Drinking water–associated outbreaks most frequently started in August, followed by July and April (Figure 5). None of the reported outbreaks started in January or September–December.

Figure 5. Number of reported drinking water–associated disease outbreaks (N = 15), by month of earliest illness onset — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021

Among the drinking water–associated outbreaks, 67% (10/15) of outbreaks were confirmed or suspected to be caused by Legionella (Table 10). Another 20% (3/15) of outbreaks were confirmed or suspected to be caused by Campylobacter. Of the remaining two outbreaks, one was caused by Pseudomonas and the other was suspected to be caused by multiple etiologies, including Campylobacter and norovirus. The latter resulted in 43% (91/214) of cases. Outbreaks confirmed or suspected to be caused by Legionella were associated with 18% (39/214) of cases but 63% (35/56) of hospitalizations and 43% (3/7) of deaths. The outbreak caused by Pseudomonas was associated with the other 57% (4) of deaths.

Table 10. Number and percentage* of reported drinking water–associated outbreaks (N = 15) and associated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by etiology — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 10. Number and percentage* of reported drinking water–associated outbreaks (N = 15) and associated cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by etiology
Etiology Outbreaks Cases Hospitalizations Deaths
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
Legionella 10 (67) 39 (18) 35 (63) 3 (43)
Campylobacter 3 (20) 72 (34) 7 (13) 0
Pseudomonas 1 (7) 12 (6) 12 (21) 4 (57)
Multiple 1 (7) 91 (43) 2 (4) 0
Total 15 (100) 214 (100) 56 (100) 7 (100)

* Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
Multiple includes one outbreak suspected to be caused by multiple etiologies, Campylobacter and norovirus.

By definition, a public water system is a system that supplies water to the same population year-round; the categories of public water systems, community and non-community (which includes transient and non-transient), are mutually exclusive (2). Among drinking water–associated outbreaks, about 60% (9/15) were associated with community water systems (Table 11). Individual/private water systems (e.g., private wells) were associated with two outbreaks (13%, 2/15).

Table 11. Number and percentage of reported drinking water–associated outbreaks (N = 15) and associated cases, by water system — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 11. Number and percentage of reported drinking water–associated outbreaks (N = 15) and associated cases, by water system
System Outbreaks N (%) Cases N (%)
Community 9 (60) 106 (50)
Unknown* 3 (20) 97 (45)
Individual/Private 2 (13) 7 (3)
Commercially Bottled 1 (7) 4 (2)
Total 15 (100) 214 (100)

* Water system was reported as unknown by reporting site.

An unknown water source was associated with 40% (6/15) of drinking water–associated outbreaks, resulting in 50% (106/214) of cases, while surface water was reported for 27% (4/15) of outbreaks, resulting in 15% (33/214) of cases. Ground water was reported for 20% (3/15) of outbreaks, resulting in 32% (68/214) of cases (Table 12).

Table 12. Number and percentage* of reported drinking water–associated outbreaks (N = 15) and associated cases and hospitalizations, by water source — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 12. Number and percentage of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (n = 23) and cases associated with drinking water exposure, by water system
Water Source Outbreaks N (%) Cases N (%) Hospitalizations N (%)
Unknown 6 (40) 106 (50) 12 (21)
Surface Water 4 (27) 33 (15) 30 (54)
Ground Water 3 (20) 68 (32) 11 (20)
Ground Water & Surface Water 1 (7) 3 (1) 3 (5)
Ground Water Under Influence of Surface Water 1 (7) 4 (2) 0
Total 15 (100) 214 (100) 56 (100)

* Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
Water source was reported as unknown by reporting site.

The most frequently reported setting for drinking water–associated outbreaks was hospital/healthcare facility (47%, 7/15). One outbreak associated with a camp/cabin setting resulted in 43% (91/214) of cases and another outbreak associated with a community/municipality resulted in 30% (64/214) of cases (Table 13).

Table 13. Number and percentage* of reported drinking water–associated outbreaks (N = 15) and associated cases, by setting — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 13. Number and percentage* of reported drinking water–associated outbreaks (N = 15) and associated cases, by setting
Setting Outbreaks N (%) Cases N (%)
Hospital/Healthcare Facility 7 (47) 33 (15)
Apartment/Condo 2 (13) 5 (2)
Camp/Cabin 1 (7) 91 (43)
Community/Municipality 1 (7) 64 (30)
Hotel/Motel 1 (7) 2 (1)
Outdoor Recreational Area 1 (7) 4 (2)
Subdivision/Neighborhood 1 (7) 11 (5)
Unknown§ 1 (7) 4 (2)
Total 15 (100) 214 (100)

* Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
A healthcare institution providing inpatient medical or surgical treatment or nursing care for sick or injured persons or a healthcare facility other than a long-term care facility.
A city, town, or other settlement where a large group of people live and work.
§ Water setting was reported as unknown by reporting site.

Most outbreaks were caused by Legionella (10/15) and occurred in a hospital/healthcare facility (Table 14). One Campylobacter outbreak was responsible for 30% (64/214) of cases and occurred in a community/municipality setting using ground water supplied by a well that was reported to be chlorinated for about two weeks twice per year as part of routine maintenance. Another outbreak suspected to be caused by Campylobacter and norovirus resulted in 43% (91/214) of cases and occurred in a camp/cabin setting with an unknown water system.

Table 14. Reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N =15) associated with drinking water, by jurisdiction — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 14. Reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N =15) associated with drinking water, by jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Month Etiology Status Etiology Cases Hospitalizations Deaths Water System Water Source Description* Water Setting
Florida March Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 2 2 2 Community Other – Aquifer Hospital/Healthcare Facility
Florida May Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 2 2 0 Community Not Reported Hospital/Healthcare Facility
Maine July Suspected, Suspected Campylobacter, Norovirus GII 91 2 0 Unknown Not Reported Camp/Cabin Setting
Maine August Confirmed Campylobacter jejuni 4 0 0 Individual/Private Well (Dug) Outdoor Recreational Area
Maryland April Confirmed Pseudomonas aeruginosa 12 12 4 Community Lake/Reservoir Hospital/Healthcare Facility
Maryland July Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 8 8 0 Community Lake/Reservoir Hospital/Healthcare Facility
Maryland August Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 11 8 1 Community River/Stream Subdivision/Neighborhood
Massachusetts April Confirmed Legionella pneumophila 4 4 0 Unknown Not Reported Hospital/Healthcare Facility
Massachusetts June Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 3 2 0 Individual/Private Not Reported Apartment/Condo
Massachusetts August Suspected Legionella pneumophila 2 2 0 Unknown Not Reported Hospital/Healthcare Facility
Nebraska August Confirmed Campylobacter jejuni 64 7 0 Community Well (Drilled) Community/Municipality
Texas April Suspected Campylobacter 4 0 0 Commercially Bottled Not Reported Unknown
Virginia July Confirmed Legionella sp. 3 3 0 Community River/Stream & Well Hospital/Healthcare Facility
Wisconsin February Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 2 2 0 Community Well (Unknown) Hotel/Motel
Wisconsin June Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 2 2 0 Community Unknown Apartment/Condo

* Water source description further classifies water sources listed in Table 13, as reported in NORS. Other – aquifer, well (drilled), and well (unknown) are types of ground water sources. Lake/reservoir/impoundment and river/stream are types of surface water sources. Well (dug) is a type of ground water under the influence of surface water source.
A Hospital/Healthcare Facility is as a healthcare institution providing inpatient medical or surgical treatment or nursing care for sick or injured persons or a healthcare facility other than a long-term care facility.
A Community/Municipality is a city, town, or other settlement where a large group of people live and work.

Other Exposures to Water

Non-drinking, non-recreational exposure to water, referred to as “other exposure to water” (e.g., industrial water exposure, flood water), was associated with one (2%) of the reported waterborne disease outbreaks (Table 1). The outbreak was associated with less than 1% (2/511) of cases, 2% (2/104) of hospitalizations, and no deaths. This outbreak was also associated with an ornamental fountain in a hotel/motel setting (Table 15).

Table 15. Reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 1) associated with other (non-drinking, non-recreational) exposure to water, by jurisdiction — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 14. Reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N =15) associated with drinking water, by jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Month Etiology Status Etiology Cases Hospitalizations Deaths Water Type Water Setting
Florida July Confirmed Legionella pneumophila

serogroup 1

2 2 0 Fountain – Ornamental Hotel/Motel

Unknown Exposures to Water

Unknown water exposure was associated with 8% (4/52) of reported waterborne disease outbreaks (Table 1). The four outbreaks were associated with 2% (11/511) of cases, 9% (9/104) of hospitalizations, and two deaths. Legionella was confirmed to cause 75% (3) of the outbreaks, two of which were associated with a hospital/healthcare facility (Table 16).

Table 16. Reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 4) associated with unknown exposure to water, by jurisdiction — Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2021
Table 16. Reported waterborne disease outbreaks (N = 4) associated with unknown exposure to water, by jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Month Etiology Status Etiology Cases Hospitalizations Deaths Water Type Water Setting
Maryland November Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 4 4 0 Unknown Other – Fitness club
Michigan March Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 2 2 2 Unknown Hospital/Healthcare Facility*
New York July Confirmed Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 3 3 0 Other – Aerosols Hospital/Healthcare Facility
Texas October Confirmed Cryptosporidium sp. 2 0 0 Unknown Unknown

* A Hospital/Healthcare Facility is a healthcare institution providing inpatient medical or surgical treatment or nursing care for sick or injured persons or a healthcare facility other than a long-term care facility.


The findings in this summary are subject to at least three limitations. First, only a proportion of waterborne outbreaks are detected, investigated, and reported to the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS). The counts here are an underestimate of the true burden of waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States and should not be used to estimate the actual number of outbreaks or cases of waterborne disease. Second, these numbers are largely dependent on public health capacity and reporting requirements, which vary across jurisdictions, and therefore do not necessarily indicate the actual occurrence in each jurisdiction. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic likely contributed to changes in reporting from states due to limited resources and other factors. Third, data on outbreaks with a chemical/toxin etiology might be limited because of differences in how these outbreaks are detected and investigated compared with infectious disease outbreaks or characteristics of the contaminants (e.g., persistence in the environment).


Public health surveillance is key to understanding the epidemiology of waterborne disease and outbreaks. Legionella was the most frequent outbreak etiology of reported waterborne disease outbreaks for 2021. Of the 26 Legionella outbreaks, 35% (9) were associated with a hospital/healthcare facility (seven outbreaks associated with drinking water exposure and two with unknown water exposure) and 23% (6) were associated with a hotel/motel hot tub. In contrast, only three reported outbreaks were caused by Cryptosporidium, the historic leading etiology of reported waterborne disease outbreaks in past years. The findings could be due to a change in reporting by jurisdictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jurisdictions might have prioritized detecting, investigating, and reporting outbreaks of diseases (e.g., Legionnaires’ disease) of increased severity (e.g., associated with hospitalization and death) because of resources being diverted to the pandemic response. Additionally, the pandemic might have led to conditions that promoted replication and transmission of Legionella (e.g., water quality not being maintained in hot tubs during low to no hotel/motel occupancy). For 2021, eight outbreaks were confirmed or suspected to be associated with exposures to cyanobacterial species or toxins. This too could be pandemic-related and reflect the public choosing to participate in outdoor activities, such as using untreated recreational water venues. Alternatively, reporting of outbreaks of illness caused by Legionella or by harmful algal blooms could reflect increased occurrence or CDC support for jurisdictions’ surveillance activities for the respective illnesses.

Over the past 100 years, filtration and disinfection of water have reduced (though not eliminated) the burden of waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States caused by disinfectant-susceptible pathogens. Much of the remaining burden is driven by pathogens that are resistant to disinfection (e.g., Cryptosporidium, whose oocysts are chlorine tolerant due to their hard outer shell) or challenging to control due to their growth in biofilm (e.g., Legionella, nontuberculous mycobacteria, and Pseudomonas). Effective prevention strategies beyond traditional filtration and disinfection of water include developing and implementing water management programs at the state or local level by building owners and managers and implementing treated recreational water venue guidelines identified in CDC’s Model Aquatic Health Code.


The authors thank local, state, territorial, and freely associated state public health officials and CDC staff for collecting and submitting outbreak data that made this summary possible.


  1. Collier SA, Deng L, Adam EA, et al. Estimate of Burden and Direct Healthcare Cost of Infectious Waterborne Disease in the United StatesEmerging Infectious Diseases. 2021;27(1):140-149. doi:10.3201/eid2701.190676.
  2. Information about Public Water Systems. 2021 11/10/2021 [cited 2021 11/22]; Available from: https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/information-about-public-water-systems.

Suggested Citation

Lawinger H, Hlavsa M, Miko S, Kunz J, Thuneibat M, Gerdes, M, Gleason M, and Roberts, V. Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System (WBDOSS) Summary Report, United States, 2021. Atlanta, Georgia: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, 2023.