DOMAIN 12: Governance

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Maintain Capacity to engage the public health governing entity


(S) = State HD                        (T) = Tribal HD                       (L) = Local HD

(S/T) = State/Tribal HD         (T/L) = Tribal/Local HD        (HAI/AR) = Healthcare Associated Infections/Antibiotic Resistance

Standard 12.1: Maintain current operational definitions and statements of public health roles, responsibilities, and authorities

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures




Measure 12.1.1:

(All) Mandated public health operations, programs, and services provided

Measure 12.1.2:

(All) Operational definitions and/or statements of the public health governing entity’s roles and responsibilities

PHAB Measures

Measure 12.1.1:

(All) Mandated public health operations, programs, and services provided

Measure 12.1.2:

(All) Operational definitions and/or statements of the public health governing entity’s roles and responsibilities

This domain addresses overall administrative and management functions and capacity, including human resources, information technology, financial management, support for grant application processes, etc.

While these Standards and measures are not program-specific, all HD programs (including HAI/AR) will use and depend on these functions and should be aware and engaged.


This domain addresses overall administrative and management functions and capacity, including human resources, information technology, financial management, support for grant application processes, etc.

While these Standards and measures are not program-specific, all HD programs (including HAI/AR) will use and depend on these functions and should be aware and engaged.

Standard 12.2: Provide information to the governing entity regarding public health and the official responsibilities of the health department and of the governing entity

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures




Measure 12.2.1:

(All) Communication with the governing entity regarding the responsibilities of the public HD and of the responsibilities of the governing entity

PHAB Measures

Measure 12.2.1:

(All) Communication with the governing entity regarding the responsibilities of the public HD and of the responsibilities of the governing entity

This domain addresses overall administrative and management functions and capacity, including human resources, information technology, financial management, support for grant application processes, etc.

While these Standards and measures are not program-specific, all HD programs (including HAI/AR) will use and depend on these functions and should be aware and engaged.


This domain addresses overall administrative and management functions and capacity, including human resources, information technology, financial management, support for grant application processes, etc.

While these Standards and measures are not program-specific, all HD programs (including HAI/AR) will use and depend on these functions and should be aware and engaged.

Standard 12.3: Encourage the governing entity's engagement in the public health department's overall obligations and responsibilities

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures




Measure 12.3.1:

(All) Information provided to the governing entity about important public health issues facing the community, the HD, and/or the recent actions of the HD

Measure 12.3.2:

(All) Actions taken by the governing entity tracked and reviewed

Measure 12.3.3:

(All) Communication with the governing entity about HD performance assessment and improvement

PHAB Measures

Measure 12.3.1:

(All) Information provided to the governing entity about important public health issues facing the community, the HD, and/or the recent actions of the HD

Measure 12.3.2:

(All) Actions taken by the governing entity tracked and reviewed

Measure 12.3.3:

(All) Communication with the governing entity about HD performance assessment and improvement

This domain addresses overall administrative and management functions and capacity, including human resources, information technology, financial management, support for grant application processes, etc.

While these Standards and measures are not program-specific, all HD programs (including HAI/AR) will use and depend on these functions and should be aware and engaged.


This domain addresses overall administrative and management functions and capacity, including human resources, information technology, financial management, support for grant application processes, etc.

While these Standards and measures are not program-specific, all HD programs (including HAI/AR) will use and depend on these functions and should be aware and engaged.