DOMAIN 4: Community Engagement

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Engage with the community to identify and address health problems


(S) = State HD                        (T) = Tribal HD                       (L) = Local HD

(S/T) = State/Tribal HD         (T/L) = Tribal/Local HD        (HAI/AR) = Healthcare Associated Infections/Antibiotic Resistance

Standard 4.1: Engage with the public health system and the community in identifying and addressing public health problems through collaborative processes

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Measure 4.1.1:

(All) Establishment and/or engagement and active participation in a comprehensive community health partnership and/or coalition; or active participation in several partnerships or coalitions to address specific public health issues or populations

PHAB Measures

Measure 4.1.1:

(All) Establishment and/or engagement and active participation in a comprehensive community health partnership and/or coalition; or active participation in several partnerships or coalitions to address specific public health issues or populations

HAI/AR Programs collaborate with public health and healthcare partners to implement HAI/AR prevention activities, facilitate the state HAI/AR Multidisciplinary Advisory Group, and report on progress of HAI/AR prevention and improved antibiotic use. Jurisdictions are also increasing provider awareness about HAI/AR prevention efforts and collaborating with healthcare facilities on HAI/AR prevention activities aimed at reducing these infections. Jurisdictions may establish partnerships or coalitions among healthcare facilities sharing a population of patients to prevent and reduce the burden of HAI/AR and may establish state or regional advisory groups for specific pathogens or priorities.

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

HAI/AR Programs collaborate with public health and healthcare partners to implement HAI/AR prevention activities, facilitate the state HAI/AR Multidisciplinary Advisory Group, and report on progress of HAI/AR prevention and improved antibiotic use. Jurisdictions are also increasing provider awareness about HAI/AR prevention efforts and collaborating with healthcare facilities on HAI/AR prevention activities aimed at reducing these infections. Jurisdictions may establish partnerships or coalitions among healthcare facilities sharing a population of patients to prevent and reduce the burden of HAI/AR and may establish state or regional advisory groups for specific pathogens or priorities.

Context: HDs must provide documentation of a broad community partnership addressing at least four issues or examples of issue-specific partnerships or coalitions. The HDs must demonstrate active participation in the coalition/collaboration. HDs must provide a list of stakeholder organizations involved in the coalition. The measure includes a requirement for two examples demonstrating a policy change or program change implemented through the work of the partnership.

Opportunity: If a HD is considering citing issue-specific coalitions, HAI/AR Collaboratives may be considered as examples.

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Context: HDs must provide documentation of a broad community partnership addressing at least four issues or examples of issue-specific partnerships or coalitions. The HDs must demonstrate active participation in the coalition/collaboration. HDs must provide a list of stakeholder organizations involved in the coalition. The measure includes a requirement for two examples demonstrating a policy change or program change implemented through the work of the partnership.

Opportunity: If a HD is considering citing issue-specific coalitions, HAI/AR Collaboratives may be considered as examples.

Measure 4.1.2:

(S) Technical assistance provided to Tribal and local HDs and/or public health system partners regarding methods for engaging with the community

(T/L) Stakeholders and partners linked to technical assistance regarding methods of engaging with the community

PHAB Measures

Measure 4.1.2:

(S) Technical assistance provided to Tribal and local HDs and/or public health system partners regarding methods for engaging with the community

(T/L) Stakeholders and partners linked to technical assistance regarding methods of engaging with the community


HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities



Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation


Standard 4.2: Promote the community's understanding of and support for policies and strategies that will improve the public's health

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures

PHAB Measures

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Measure 4.2.1:

(All) Engagement with the community about policies and/or strategies that will promote the public’s health

PHAB Measures

Measure 4.2.1:

(All) Engagement with the community about policies and/or strategies that will promote the public’s health

HAI/AR Programs may provide education and training regarding HAI/AR prevention as well as appropriate use of antibiotics in a variety of community settings, including physician’s offices, outpatient pharmacies, and other public venues. HAI/AR Programs may also hold meetings or trainings with a variety of public health and healthcare partners where public members or patients are included to communicate about HAI/AR prevention or improving antibiotic use. HAI/AR Programs are expected to include a member of the community or patient representative on the state Multidisciplinary Advisory Group.

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

HAI/AR Programs may provide education and training regarding HAI/AR prevention as well as appropriate use of antibiotics in a variety of community settings, including physician’s offices, outpatient pharmacies, and other public venues. HAI/AR Programs may also hold meetings or trainings with a variety of public health and healthcare partners where public members or patients are included to communicate about HAI/AR prevention or improving antibiotic use. HAI/AR Programs are expected to include a member of the community or patient representative on the state Multidisciplinary Advisory Group.

Context: The HD must document engagement with the specific population in the community that will be affected by a policy or strategy.

Opportunity: Documenting how the state engages the community or a target population of a community on a specific HAI or AR issue and the implementation of a proposed HAI or AR policy or strategy may support the measure.

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Context: The HD must document engagement with the specific population in the community that will be affected by a policy or strategy.

Opportunity: Documenting how the state engages the community or a target population of a community on a specific HAI or AR issue and the implementation of a proposed HAI or AR policy or strategy may support the measure.

Measure 4.2.2:

(All) Engagement with governing entities, advisory boards, and elected officials about policies and/or strategies that will promote the public’s health

PHAB Measures

Measure 4.2.2:

(All) Engagement with governing entities, advisory boards, and elected officials about policies and/or strategies that will promote the public’s health

HAI/AR programs may provide education and training regarding HAI/AR prevention as well as appropriate use of antibiotics to a variety of governing entities, including public health advisory or governing boards, county commissioners, legislative staff, or with elected officials.

HAI/AR Specific Programs or Activities

HAI/AR programs may provide education and training regarding HAI/AR prevention as well as appropriate use of antibiotics to a variety of governing entities, including public health advisory or governing boards, county commissioners, legislative staff, or with elected officials.

Context: HDs must provide two examples of engaging the governing entity, advisory board, or elected officials on education about or development of a policy on a specific policy/strategy.

Opportunity: HAI/AR Programs are increasingly pursuing active HAI/AR and antibiotic use education and training with a variety of governing entities, including interactions with state legislative liaisons, and these engagements could be considered as examples.

Opportunities / Considerations For Connections Between HAI/AR and Accreditation

Context: HDs must provide two examples of engaging the governing entity, advisory board, or elected officials on education about or development of a policy on a specific policy/strategy.

Opportunity: HAI/AR Programs are increasingly pursuing active HAI/AR and antibiotic use education and training with a variety of governing entities, including interactions with state legislative liaisons, and these engagements could be considered as examples.