Healthcare Use Data 2012

Health care use asthma surveillance data tables include estimates for physician office visits from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), emergency department visits from  the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS), and hospital inpatient stays from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) at the national level.

Table A. Physician office visits with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2012
2012 Physician Office Visits
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Standard Error of Weighted No. of visits Rate* (SE)
Total 10,529,459 632,643 341.1 (20.5)
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 4,468,461 435,286 607.2 (59.2)
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 6,060,998 468,575 257.8 (19.9)
   Male 4,863,350 372,823 322.6 (24.7)
   Female 5,666,109 382,407 358.7 (24.2)
Race, not considering ethnicity
   White 8,867,305 583,802 368.1 (24.2)
   Black 1,024,092 140,971 257.4 (35.4)
   Other 638,063 129,642 227.9 (46.3)
   Hispanic or Latino 1,890,645 289,199 361.0 (55.2)
   Not Hispanic or Latino 8,638,814 524,022 337.0 (20.4)
Age Group
   0-4 years 1,043,969 166,374 522.1 (83.2)
   5-17 years 3424,492 356,927 639.0 (66.6)
   18-34 years 1,259,854 166,054 176.1 (23.2)
   35 – 64 years 3,071,366 275,362 252.3 (22.6)
   65+ years 1,704,222 214,651 407.2 (51.3 )
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 2,206,127 344,102 401.1 (62.6)
   Midwest 1,875,705 206,272 282.8 (31.1)
   South 3,822,364 377,104 332.6 (32.8)
   West 2,625,263 311,569 362.3 (43.0 )
MSA status
  MSA 9,842,196 627,329 377.7 (24.1)
  Non-MSA 687,263 119,148 142.8 (24.8)

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; SE, standard error.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population and SE, standard error.

†Rate of child physician office visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult physician office visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Estimate is suppressed because relative standard error (RSE) of the estimate is >30%.

Source: CDC/NCHS. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS).

Table B. Emergency department visits (ED) with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2012
2012 Emergency Department (ED) Visits
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Standard Error of Weighted No. of visits Rate* (SE)
Total 1,694,825 180,645 54.9 ( 5.9)
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 825,045 151,788 112.1 (20.6)
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 869,780 100,183 37.0 ( 4.3)
   Male 692,041 105,962 45.9 ( 7.0)
   Female 1,002,784 107,303 63.5 ( 6.8)
Race, not considering ethnicity
   White 917,557 138,429 38.1 ( 5.7)
   Black 750,682 101,541 188.6 (25.5)
   Hispanic or Latino 521,580 135,510 99.6 (25.9)
   Not Hispanic or Latino 1,173,245 116,421 45.8 ( 4.5)
Age Group
   0–4 years
   5–17 years 506,417 79,820 94.5 (14.9)
   18–34 years 316,711 53,243 44.3 ( 7.4)
   35–64 years 465,072 67,121 38.2 ( 5.5)
   65+ years
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 446,372 91,194 81.2 (16.6)
   Midwest 386,175 60,287 58.2 ( 9.1)
   South 619,391 135,370 53.9 (11.8)
   West 242,887 48,546 33.5 ( 6.7)

Abbreviations: SE, standard error.

Note: 2012 ED data for Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is not available in public use file.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population and SE, standard error.

Rate of child emergency department visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult emergency department visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Estimate is suppressed because relative standard error (RSE) of the estimate is >30%.

Source: CDC/NCHS. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS).

Table C. Hospital inpatient stays with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2012
2012 Hospital Inpatient Stays
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Rate*
Total 372,685 11.9
Child (aged 0-17 years) 114,325 15.5
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 257,970 10.8
   Male 145,745 9.4
   Female 226,915 14.2
Age Group
   <1 year 4,695 11.9
   1-17 years 109,630 15.7
   18-44 years 67,010 5.9
   45-64 years 109,300 13.2
   65-84 years 67,365 18.1
   85+ years 14,295 24.3
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 90,420 16.2
   Midwest 80,945 12.0
   South 140,430 12.0
   West 60,890 8.3
MSA status
  MSA 319,715 12.3
  Non-MSA 51,230 10.7

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population (Standard error (SE) is not available).

†Rate of child hospital inpatient stays was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult hospital visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Rate of MSA hospital inpatient stays was calculated by combining the weighted number of visits for large central metro, large fringe metro (suburbs), medium and small metro categories and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for MSA per 10,000.Rate of non-MSA hospital inpatient stays was calculated using the weighted number of visits for the micropolitan and noncore (rural) category and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for non- MSA per 10,000.

SOURCE: HCUPnet, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. For more information about HCUP data see