Healthcare Use Data 2019

Emergency Department Visits

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Table A: Number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits with asthma as the first-listed diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2019
Characteristics Weighted No.
of Visits
(Weighted No.)
Rate* SE*
Total 1,522,677 78,469 46.4 2.39
Child (Aged 0–17 years) 546,313 64,667 74.8 8.85
Adult (Aged 18+ years)§ 976,344 35,219 38.3 1.38
Male 701,758 43,008 43.4 2.66
Boys (Age <18 years) 330,166 39,171 88.5 10.50
Men (Age 18+ years) 371,587 13,584 29.9 1.09
Female 820,881 36,715 49.3 2.20
Girls (Age <18 years) 216,148 25,525 60.5 7.14
Women (Age 18+ years) 604,728 22,122 46.2 1.69
Race, not considering ethnicity
White 498,547 15,571 19.9 0.62
Children (Age <18 years) 133,626 8,862 25.3 1.68
Adults (Age 18+ years) 394,918 10,384 18.5 0.53
Black 553,395 30,583 125.6 6.94
Children (Age <18 years) 182,597 14,592 166.1 13.28
Adults (Age 18+ years) 370,793 20,686 112.1 6.25
Other** 391,049 31,706 116.2 9.42
Children (Age <18 years) 162,620 18,693 175.1 20.12
Adults (Age 18+ years) 228,422 17,363 93.8 7.13
Hispanic 289,104 26,527 47.7 4.38
Children (Age <18 years) 121,650 15,544 65.1 8.32
Adults (Age 18+ years) 167,452 14,755 40.0 3.52
Non-Hispanic 1,153,887 39,412 43.1 1.47
Children (Age <18 years) 357,194 22,065 65.7 4.06
Adults (Age 18+ years) 796,681 25,670 37.3 1.20
Age Group
0–4 years 190,876 26,599 97.5 13.59
5–17 years 355,438 38,236 66.5 7.15
18–34 years 393,734 13,823 51.7 1.82
35–64 years 482,317 18,383 38.6 1.47
65+ years 100,293 4,226 18.6 0.78
U.S. Census Region††
Northeast 345,085 42,329 61.6 7.56
Midwest 302,006 18,597 44.2 2.72
South 604,009 59,883 48.1 4.77
West 271,576 20,827 34.7 2.66
MSA Status§§
MSA¶¶ 1,339,931 77,282 47.3 2.73
Non-MSA*** 175,713 7,576 38.1 1.64

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; SE, standard error.
*Crude rate per 10,000 and SE, standard error.
Rate of child ED visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0–17 years and dividing it by the resident population for children aged 0–17 years per 10,000.
§Rate of adult ED visits calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the resident population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.
Sex of patient categories include male and female as in the medical record.
**Other race includes Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, Native American, and other race categories.
††Based on actual location of the hospital.
§§Based on location of patient’s residence.
¶¶Rate of MSA ED visits was calculated by combining the weighted number of visits for large central metro, large fringe metro (suburbs), and medium and small metro categories and dividing it by the resident population for MSA per 10,000.
***Rate of Non-MSA ED visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for the micropolitan and noncore (rural) category and dividing it by the resident population for non-MSA per 10,000.

SOURCE: HCUP, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, National (Nationwide) Emergency Department Sample (NEDS). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. For more information about HCUP data see


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