Archived Updates for Rural Health Partners, Stakeholders, and Communities on the 2019 Coronavirus Disease Response
In these archived webinars, Dr. Jay Butler shares guidance with partners, public health practitioners, healthcare providers, and others working to protect the health of rural communities.
COVID-19 Vaccine Considerations for Rural Health
The COVID-19 Vaccination Implementation Planning Update for Rural Stakeholders was presented by CDC subject matter expert, Dr. Amanda Cohn. Dr. Cohn is Chief Medical Officer for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases as well as Chief Medical Officer for the Vaccine Task Force of the CDC COVID-19 Response. This session, presented specifically for rural stakeholders, was moderated by Dr. Diane Hall. PowerPoint slides for this video are available at
This webinar was held on April 22, 2020. HHS Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan provided introductory remarks and an update. Dr. Jay Butler shared guidance with partners, public health practitioners, healthcare providers, and others working to protect the health of rural communities. He described what CDC knows at this point and responded to questions.
This webinar was held on April 8, 2020. HHS Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan provided introductory remarks and an update. Dr. Jay Butler shared guidance with partners, public health practitioners, healthcare providers, and others working to protect the health of rural communities.
This webinar was held on March 24, 2020. Dr. Jay Butler shared guidance with partners, public health practitioners, healthcare providers, and others working to protect the health of rural communities. He described what CDC knows at this point and responded to questions.