DOSE Dashboard: Nonfatal Overdose Emergency Department and Inpatient Hospitalization Discharge Data

Updated January 22, 2024

What to know

  • The nonfatal drug overdose data on this dashboard come from CDC’s Drug Overdose Surveillance and Epidemiology (DOSE) system. DOSE captures both emergency department and inpatient hospitalization discharge data.
  • Currently, 25 states share discharge data with DOSE - 18 states share both emergency department and inpatient hospitalization discharge data, 4 states submit only emergency department discharge data, and 3 states submit only inpatient hospitalization discharge data.
Man looking at DOSE dashboard on laptop computer.

About this dashboard

The nonfatal drug overdose data on this dashboard come from CDC's Drug Overdose Surveillance and Epidemiology (DOSE) system, which captures both emergency department (ED) and inpatient hospitalization discharge data from jurisdictions. Currently, 25 states share discharge data with DOSE. This dashboard represents the most up-to-date data that CDC's DOSE system has available and is updated annually with an expected eight-month lag to account for data submission and review timelines.

States participating in CDC's DOSE System that report ED and/or inpatient hospitalization discharge data, 2018-2022

  • Download a dataset with all available ED and inpatient hospitalization discharge data.
  • Read more About DOSE and discharge data captured through DOSE.

  • Select Data Source: Click on the box to select the desired data source (emergency department visit or inpatient hospitalization discharge data) from the drop-down.
  • Select a Drug: Click on the box to select from a drop-down list of options, including all drug, all opioid, heroin, and all stimulant overdoses.
  • Select a State: Click on the box to select and highlight overdose data by a specific state or overall. Note only states that submitted the selected data source during the selected time period will be displayed in the drop-down list.
  • Select Time Frame: Click on the box to select the desired time frame (monthly or annual); if monthly data are selected, an option to Select a Month will be displayed.
  • Select a Year: Click on the box to select the desired year.
  • All visualizations will responsively adjust to your selections, including the summary data points; barbell chart; line graph; sex by age pyramid; and county-level heat map. Use the reset button below the selection boxes to clear all selections and return to the default settings.

Data dashboard

Suggested citation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Drug Overdose Surveillance and Epidemiology (DOSE) System: Nonfatal Overdose Emergency Department and Inpatient Hospitalization Discharge Data. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; [INSERT YEAR, MONTH, DAY]. Access at: