Healthy People 2030

On August 18, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services launched Healthy People 2030 which is the fifth iteration of the Healthy People initiative. HP2030 was developed through a multiyear process with input from members of the public; public and private organizations; the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2030, an independent federal advisory committee with subject matter experts; a diverse group of federal and nonfederal subject matter experts; and federal agencies HP2030 features a framework that includes its vision, mission, foundational principles, and overarching goals. In addition, HP2030 has a new slate of core objectives with targets, as well as new research and developmental objectives. The goals for this decade include the following:
- Attain healthy, thriving lives and well-being, free of preventable disease, disability, injury and premature death.
- Eliminate health disparities, achieve health equity, and attain health literacy to improve the health and well-being of all.
- Create social, physical, and economic environments that promote attaining full potential for health and well-being for all.
- Promote healthy development, healthy behaviors and well-being across all life stages.
- Engage leadership, key constituents, and the public across multiple sectors to take action and design policies that improve the health and well-being of all.
What’s New in HP2030
HP2030 reflects high-priority public health issues, and the initiative will allow for changes to objectives throughout the decade to respond to emerging challenges. This decade, HP2030 has reduced the number of objectives to provide a more focused, evidence-based, and statistically rigorous set of objectives. The HP2030 website encompasses a cross-cutting topic grouping scheme, more powerful search capabilities, and user-friendly features that will be further expanded during the decade. These technical and substantive improvements to the initiative mean more timely and efficient data on the Healthy People website. In the coming months, the HP2030 database (DATA2030) will become available and will be managed by NCHS throughout the decade.
For Healthy People 2030, there are three categories of objectives:
Core objectives: High-priority objectives that have an identified data source, baseline data, a target, and an assurance of at least two additional data points throughout the decade.
Developmental objectives: Developmental objectives represent high-priority issues of interest that do not yet have reliable baseline data. Evidence-based interventions have been identified for developmental objectives. Developmental objectives have not been evaluated for meeting core objective selection and data criteria.
Research objectives: Research objectives represent areas where, although there is a high health or economic burden, or significant disparities exist between population groups, more research is needed to identify evidence-based interventions to improve health. Research objectives have not been evaluated for meeting core objective selection and data criteria.
At launch, there were 355 core objectives, 115 developmental objectives and 40 newly added research objectives which represent significant opportunities for advancement in areas with limited research.
NCHS’ Role in HP2030
The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) continues to be responsible for monitoring the Nation’s progress toward Healthy People targets using data from more than 80 different data sources. For HP2030, NCHS data systems are used monitor progress toward targets for about half of the HP2030 core objectives. During the development of HP2030, NCHS provided data-related support to HHS, the Secretary’s Advisory Committee, Topic Area Workgroups, and the Federal Interagency Workgroup in achieving a more focused and statistically rigorous set of objectives. Specifically, NCHS helped develop and apply data-related criteria for the selection of HP2030 objectives and data sources, provided guidance in the development of technical specifications for objectives, and developed a tool to assist Topic Area Workgroups with methods for setting targets. During the HP2030 tracking period, NCHS will:
- Serve as the statistical advisor to HHS and the Healthy People initiative on the data used to monitor the HP2030 objectives.
- Conduct research and develop methods for measuring HP2030 progress and overarching goals, including development of an HP2030 disparities tool.
- Analyze, present, and publish data related to progress towards reaching the HP2030 goals and objectives.
- Maintain DATA2030, a comprehensive database for all HP2030 data.
- Provide expertise and technical assistance to national, state, and local health monitoring efforts.
For more information on HP2030, visit: http://www.nchs/about/factsheets/factsheet-hp2030.htm