Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds- From Evidence to Intervention: Asthma Triggers Home Assessment Training

This Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds session is scheduled for:
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 1:30-3:00 PM ET

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Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds- From Evidence to Intervention: Asthma Triggers Home Assessment Training

In this grand rounds, Dr. Chew, whose research focuses on exposure assessment of aeroallergens and fungi in the indoor environment, presents a training course, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as a tool for public health practitioners conducting home assessments for asthma triggers and to enable clinicians to start the conversation with their patients about reducing environmental triggers of asthma in homes.

During the presentation, Ginger will cover a wide range of topics such as particle size distribution of common asthma triggers, differences between allergens and irritants, explanations of building heating and cooling systems that can affect asthma triggers, and how to best mitigate exposures to protect health. Additionally, she will highlight how the cross-agency work group selected and put together the content for the training course by reviewing existing data and the latest research. Some of the new findings resulted in a paradigm shift for physicians’ recommendations to decrease exposure to some types of allergens in homes.

Photo of Ginger Chew

Ginger Chew, ScD
Senior Scientific Advisor

Presentation Details
  • Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 1:30-3:00 PM ET
  • Remote participation only through Zoom
    Passcode: PMGR_0301 (if asked)

These Grand Rounds presentations are provided as a courtesy of CDC’s Preventive Medicine Residency and Fellowship (PMR/F) program with the goal of sharing systems-based approaches and leadership practices to address population health issues and public health emergencies.

Continuing Education

To receive continuing education (CE) for WC(SC)4441-030123 Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds- From Evidence to Intervention: Asthma Triggers Home Assessment Training please visit TCEO and follow these 9 Simple Steps before 4/3/23. The course access code is CDCPMRF.

For More Information
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