Fungal Disease Awareness Week: Social Media Toolkit

At a glance

Fungal Disease Awareness Week (FDAW) 2023 occurred from September 18th to 22nd. Use these social media graphics to raise awareness and communicate key messages about fungal diseases.

FDAW Social Media Toolkit

Getting more people to "Think Fungus" may be the first step to help change the direction of fungal diseases. CDC is sharing a social media toolkit for Fungal Disease Awareness Week (FDAW) so anyone can download and share graphics and key action messages from their social media accounts. Please use our hashtag, #FungalWeek23.

FDAW, Day 1: When to Think Fungus

When to Think Fungus: Of the 1-5 million types of fungi, a few hundred can make people sick.
When to Think Fungus: Of the 1-5 million types of fungi, a few hundred can make people sick

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There are millions of fungal species, but only a few hundred of them can make people sick. These fungi can cause many different types of illnesses, including asthma, allergies, rashes, lung or bloodstream infections, & meningitis. #FungalWeek23 (245 characters plus hyperlink)

Today starts Fungal Disease Awareness Week. Each day of #FungalWeek23 will highlight a different fungal disease theme. Go over fungal facts: (141 characters plus hyperlink)

FDAW, Day 2: Fight Fungi, Protect Patients

Fungal meningitis is difficult to diagnose and treat.
Fight fungi, Protect Patients. Fungal meningitis is difficult to diagnose and treat.

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The recent outbreak of fungal meningitis linked to procedures with epidural anesthesia in Mexico highlights some of the challenges of healthcare-associated fungal infections. Read about the outbreak during #FungalWeek23: characters plus link)

FDAW, Day 3: The Path of Yeast Resistance

The Path of Yeast Resistance: Antifungal resistance is increasing, making more infections difficult to treat.
The Path of Yeast Resistance: Antifungal resistance is increasing, making more infections difficult to treat.

The Path of Yeast Resistance: Antifungal resistance is increasing, making more infections difficult to treat.

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Only a small number of antifungal medications are available, so antifungal resistance can severely limit treatment options.#FungalWeek23 characters plus link)

FDAW, Day 4: Fungus and the Environment: The Fungus Among Us

The Fungus Amoung Us: In some areas, fungi in the environment can cause lung infections.
The Fungus Amoung Us: In some areas, fungi in the environment can cause lung infections.

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Some fungal infections like Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis), histoplasmosis, & blastomycosis can look like pneumonia & be misdiagnosed. If you have symptoms that aren't getting better with treatment, talk to your doctor about possible fungal infections.#FungalWeek23 characters plus link)

FDAW, Day 5 : The Future of Fungal Infections

The Future of Fungal Infections: Disease-causing fungi are spreading and emerging with climate and environmental changes.
The Future of Fungal Infections: Disease-causing fungi are spreading and emerging with climate and environmental changes.

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Fungi have grown naturally in the outdoor environment for thousands of years. Rising temperatures and increased rain and snow can create favorable environments for fungi.

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Some disease-causing fungi are predicted to spread to new areas where they previously couldn't live, and new fungal diseases could emerge because of climate and environmental changes#FungalWeek23. Find out more (171 characters in part and 211 characters plus link for part 2)