Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention Program Evaluation Guide

Albuquerque Area Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center, Albuquerque Area Indian Heath Board, Inc partnered with CDC’s Injury Center and Indian Health Service to develop a Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention Program Evaluation Guide [PDF – 59 pages]. This guide was developed to share best practices for evaluating Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention (also called Tribal Traffic Safety) Programs.

It is a companion document to the Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention (TMVIP) Best Practices Guide 2016, which focuses on evidence-based strategies to reduce the burden associated with motor vehicle crashes in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

These strategies include increasing seat belt use, increasing car seat and booster seat use, and decreasing alcohol-impaired driving. This guide aims to assist Tribes and Tribal Organizations that are implementing these proven strategies with key methods for evaluating their programs.