Phase 3 (of 3): Routine Notification

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Routine Notification

This page provides information about next steps and best practices for jurisdictions that have completed the message mapping guide (MMG) onboarding process.

Onboarding is now complete!

Send all new case notifications using the current MMG format. Messages sent in legacy formats or previous MMGs—such as a generic MMG profile if the jurisdiction just onboarded a condition-specific guide—will not be processed in MVPS and an error will be indicated in the portal.

The NNDSS onboarding specialist will continue to monitor messages for two weeks after your jurisdiction completes onboarding. Your jurisdiction should work directly with CDC programs or CDC Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance staff to address data completeness and data quality issues by sending updated messages.

Production Best Practices and Next Steps


Submit messages as close to real-time as possible, ideally daily or multiple times a day. Submit messages at least weekly.

Once a case meets the case definition, send a case notification to CDC, even if there is minimal information available for the case. Send updated messages as information that could change the case classification status is available.

Monitor regularly for value set updates. CDC may update value sets at any time. Adopt new value sets as close to release as possible, but no later than within one year of release.

You can find the current version of the PHIN VADS Case Notification View, which contains the most up-to-date value sets for a guide, on the MMG page by clicking on the name of the MMG. CDC will announce new value sets using email announcements, Case Surveillance News, and monthly eSHARE webinars.

The Message Validation, Processing, and Provision System (MVPS) portal offers a variety of dashboards that jurisdictions can use to monitor their case notifications. CDC recommends that your jurisdiction check these dashboards daily to ensure submitted messages have been received and that errors are corrected.

Need Help or Have a Suggestion?

If you are experiencing an issue with MVPS or if you would like to suggest future enhancements, send an email to Include “MVPS” along with a clear description of the issue or enhancement in the subject line of the email to ensure it is routed for action appropriately.