At a glance
The purpose of this letter to colleagues is to provide additional guidance to NCHHSTP partners about the appropriate use of current award resources based on NCHHSTP’s syndemic approach to HIV, STD, and monkeypox prevention.

Dear Colleague
September 7, 2022
The United States is currently experiencing a nationwide monkeypox outbreak. Most monkeypox transmission is occurring through sexual transmission in the same populations who experience the highest risk for HIV and other STDs. The purpose of this message is to provide additional guidance to NCHHSTP partners about the appropriate use of current award resources based on NCHHSTP's syndemic approach to HIV, STD, and monkeypox prevention. This guidance builds on information linked here (Flexibilities Guidance for Applicants and Recipients of Federal Financial Assistance ( / Temporary Reassignment of Personnel | COVID-19 | Grants | CDC).
Recipients funded under the following CDC Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) may use their grant resources, including funds or staff, for monkeypox activities that are conducted in conjunction with your HIV or STD prevention activities:
- PS19-1901, "Strengthening STD Prevention and Control for Health Departments"
- PS18-1802, "Integrated Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Surveillance and Prevention Programs for Health Departments"
- PS18-1801 Accelerating the Prevention and Control of HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs and TB in the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands
- PS20-2010, "Ending the HIV Epidemic"
- PS22-2203 "Comprehensive High Impact HIV Prevention Programs for Young Men of Color Who Have Sex With Men and Young Transgender Persons of Color"
- PS21-2102 "Comprehensive High Impact HIV Prevention Program for Community Based Organizations"
In addition to these NOFOs, CDC awarded supplemental funds under CDC-RFA-PS19-1901, "Strengthening STD Prevention and Control for Health Departments," to 59 state, local and territorial Health Department STD Prevention Programs to support Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) and strengthen the capacity of state, tribal, local and territorial (STLT) public health departments to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other infections. Grantees may use their grant resources, including funds or staff, for monkeypox activities that are conducted in conjunction with other activities permitted through this supplement. Examples would include DIS conducting monkeypox contact tracing to further develop and strengthen contact tracing skills needed for COVID-19; establishing a testing or vaccination site for disproportionately affected populations that also support similar activities for COVID-19; or conducting community mobilization and education events activities for monkeypox and COVID-19.
If a grantee is interested in having resources redirected and/or staff reassigned to monkeypox activities that are not conducted in conjunction with the core work of existing NOFOs, then CDC prior approval of a reassignment or fiscal redirection request is required. Assignment of staff paid from STD resources to engage in monkeypox related activities does not represent a reassignment.
Reassignment Requests:
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary's Public Health Emergency declaration permits CDC through Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) to approve re-assignments of Health Department staff to support monkeypox activities in 30-day increments. CDC will review and approve 30-day re-assignment requests. Recipients must submit additional requests for subsequent 30-day periods. Information is available here.
Redirection Requests:
Recipients may request that funds be re-directed to support monkeypox activities. Requests to redirect funds for monkeypox activities must receive prior approval by CDC. Requests must include a description of the nexus between monkeypox and activities within the scope of the grant to be approved.
Recipients under PS19-1901, "Strengthening STD Prevention and Control for Health Departments wishing to redirect STD funds to support monkeypox activities can do so without prior approval if the proposed changes do not represent a significant redirection of funds (i.e. cumulative changes of 25% of the last approved award budget period). Please review the terms and conditions of your award for more information.
Please direct questions about the submission requirement and process to your Grants Management Specialist.
Monkeypox is an unprecedented challenge for the nation, and many of you have struggled with addressing it while continuing to prevent and control HIV, STDs, TB, and viral hepatitis in a substantially changed environment. I appreciate your dedication and that of all the public health and medical professionals working on the frontlines.
/Jonathan Mermin/
Jonathan Mermin, MD, MPH (RADM, USPHS)
National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Stay connected: @DrMerminCDC & Connections