Conducting Assessments

Environmental health professionals: Find resources from CDC and other trusted sources to help you conduct assessments after an emergency.

Environmental health practitioners perform many critical functions such as conducting shelter assessments and evaluating public health and healthcare facilities.

Students prepare to conduct an environmental health building assessment following a simulated disaster during the EHTER Operations course.
Cots set up in a Federal Medical Stations (FMS), which had been established in the Puerto Rican municipality of Manati.

Assess disaster shelters – CDC’s Environmental Health Assessment Form can help you rapidly assess shelter conditions during emergencies and disasters.

Assess wells affected by a wildfire – Use CDC’s Rapid Assessment Form for Wells Affected by Wildfire to quickly assess damage and risk associated with individual wells and water system infrastructure.

Assess outdoor public spaces after floods – Learn how to assess and reduce public health risk posed by microbial contamination for Reopening Outdoor Public Spaces After Flooding.

Evaluate public health and healthcare facilities – App-based surveys and tools in the Comprehensive Disaster Assessment and Readiness Toolkit (CDART) help standardize how to evaluate whether public health and healthcare facilities are prepared for an emergency.