Viral Hepatitis: Health Care-Associated Outbreak Investigation Toolkit

What to know

CDC is available to provide consultation and assistance to health departments investigating health care-associated viral hepatitis outbreaks via email at


CDC is here to help by sharing lessons learned from many states' experiences. CDC can also share the best practices that states developed while addressing infection control breaches in specific settings. Guidance topics include:

  • Infection control observations.
  • Patient notification.
  • Screening for specific populations.
  • Laboratory testing, including molecular genetic investigation.

Reach out to CDC‎

For consultation and assistance on health care-associated viral hepatitis outbreaks, email


Given CDC’s experience with such outbreaks, CDC has compiled the following toolkit of resources for health departments:

Questionnaire and exposure window calculator‎

A data gathering tool for cases of recent/new HBV or HCV infections without known risk factors.

Health care investigation guide‎

Steps for investigating single cases of hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV).

Testing and notification guide‎

Suggested tests for bloodborne pathogens and help in notifying people who might have been exposed.

HCV molecular epidemiology‎

Support for investigating transmission links between patients.

Additional tools and considerations

Here are some resources and guidance for responding to health care-associated outbreaks of viral hepatitis: