Health Security  Supplement (2020)

What Works? Lessons Learned in Global Health Security Implementation

What Works: Lessons in Global Health Security Implementation. Handshake inside heart: Effective Partnerships. Effective partnerships are critical for attaining and sustaining progress. Two location maps on globe: Global is local. Global public health and local public health are strongly linked. Charts on computer monitor: Measurable Targets. Progress requires measurable targets that are regularly monitored, reported, and evaluated. HHS logo. CDC logo.

The Health Security  Supplement, “What Works? Lessons Learned in Global Health Security Implementation” shares tangible examples from CDC and partners’ work to help countries build core public health capacities to quickly identify and address public health threats at their source. Articles highlight the value of effective partnerships, the strong link between local and global public health, and the importance of having measurable targets to improve global health security.

Supplement Contents: What Works? Lessons in Global Health Security Implementation