Diagnostic Testing

Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus is difficult to isolate from clinical samples; almost all isolates (and PCR positive samples) have come from brain tissue or cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). Serologic testing remains the primary method for diagnosing EEE virus infection. Combined with a consistent clinical presentation in an endemic area, a rapid and accurate diagnosis of acute EEE virus disease can be made by the detection of EEE virus-specific IgM antibody in serum or CSF. EEE virus IgM testing is available at CDC and some state health departments. A positive EEE virus IgM test result should be confirmed by neutralizing antibody testing at a state public health laboratory or CDC. To submit specimens for testing , please contact your state health department.

All EEE virus disease cases should be reported to local public health authorities. Reporting can assist local, state, and national authorities to recognize outbreaks of this rare disease and to institute control measures to limit future infections.

Additional Information

Contact your state or local health department for assistance with diagnostic testing. They can assist you with determining if samples should be sent to the CDC Arbovirus Diagnostic Laboratory for further testing.

ALL RESULTS WILL BE SENT TO THE APPROPRIATE STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Specimens should be submitted to CDC through state health departments.